Chapter 1

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First chapter ig??? Might add more idk

It was one in the afternoon, and a redhead was being kept after class for his daily lecturing. Though, he could hardly hear what his tutor was saying since he was busy staring outside the window at the kids playing outside on the lush grass in the sun. It looked so nice there, he could almost feel the heat on his back as he imagined lying down on the freshly mowed field

"...and that's why you have to start taking your education seriously. You're a smart boy Childe, don't let me down."

His history teacher sighed, then collected his teaching materials. Dark hair tinted with gold at the tips swung as he turned and left to presumably, enjoy a nice cup of tea while marking some essays. Tartaglia glanced up, he only caught the last part of the conversation but he'd pretty much got the hint: he was failing at class.

He hauled his bag up onto the desk, unzipping it ready to be fattened with textbooks. Childe loved the sound of zips. It reminded him of when his family and himself would go on camping trips, and early in the morning his brother, Teucer would wake up and unzip and zip the tent. He would just sit there doing it over and over again. Zipppp, zipppp, zipppp... Eventually, when it got annoying, his sister, Tonia, would appear from her room of the tent and yell at him for being loud. Teucer would cry, Ajax would be called out to console him and the day would start.

He's rudely snapped out of his train of thoughts by being hit on the back of the head with a folder.

"Ow! What gives-?"

He turns around to come face to face with a snobby looking girl with platinum blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She had a white button up shirt tucked neatly into a dark, navy blue, pleated skirt. The girl wore white knee high socks with a pair of shiny black slip ons on her dainty feet. There wasn't a stain or a mark on anything, she was like freshly fallen snow. Untouched, pristine. She jabs him sharply in the chest with the pad of her index finger, since if she were to press her it into his chest head on, Ajax would probably be impaled. If Signora was wearing something, it probably cost a pretty penny. She wasn't one to wear cheap clothes. Sometimes Ajax wondered if her beauty was artificial or not. Surely a human couldn't look that perfect!

"Youre failing."

Ah, there it is. That matter of fact voice she used when she was telling facts, not opinions, and he had to agree, it was a fact.

"I told you to study you incoherent idiot, or do you have the memory of a gold fish?"

Tartaglia looks sheepishly to the side, rubbing the spot on his head where he had been hit with one of his own folders.

"I know, but things happened and I had to put in extra hours at the pool and babysit Teucer... I just haven't had the time."

Excuses, those things were true ,sure, but he had had many chances to revise for lessons he didn't do well at. Instead he chose to aimlessly waste away while scrolling through social media, occasionally posting a picture of himself or liking a post. A vicious cycle Tartaglia had found himself in.

Signora gives him a skeptical look with one eyebrow raised and her arms crossed.

"You are impossible. Just go to the library once, that's all I'm asking for. It's sad seeing you squirm around practically gambling with your grades. I pity you."

Not many things scared him but this girl was an exception.

"Ok ok fine. I'll go once if you promise to stop lecturing me after I get one from my actual teacher."

He takes his folder from Signora's hand and tucks it away into his bag along with all the other various stationary and books. He liked stationary. He had smelly highlighters, different colour pencils, felt tips, sharpeners, anything you could ever want! It was sort of an obsession of his.

"I'll go after school, but for now I'm going to enjoy this lovely weather. You know we don't get much in our motherland!"

And with that, he leaves Signora standing slightly peeved in the empty classroom.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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