Chapter One

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One stormy night, a blaze broke out in a nearby village. Screams could be heard for miles while the pungent smell of ash and burning corpses drifted afar. Villagers rushing around trying to help one another put out the fires and save the dying people. Children cry out looking for their parents, loved ones are mourned and chaos is never ending. One man could be seen diving into houses and dragging out bodies, dead or alive, is yet to be determined. He comforts kids and puts out the fires with his mystical water. For days on end, the people had lost all of their energy and spirit, as the roaring blaze had finally come to an end, as it had devoured everything in its sight. The village was no more, a handful  of people were left to carry on its legacy. As well as the legend of their saviour, a man who wielded powerful water arts, and how he disappeared as mysteriously as he had appeared.

A piercing scream woke up the night, filled with pain yet determination. A woman lays in her bed with people surrounding her, encouraging her to keep pushing. More painful yells were released and a few sprained hands of those who tried to hold hers, finally came to an end as another crying sound appeared. This one was quieter yet filled with the same amount of power. The new mother holds out her arms to welcome her little bundle of joy, only to turn to panic as the surrounding people had looks of disgust and fear on their faces. The nurse holding the baby rushes out of the room, people followed, leaving the exhausted woman to cry out once more and struggle to go after her baby. 

A few years later, and here I am. It was a normal day, except as soon as I opened my eyes, I hurriedly jump out of bed and put on my cute plain dress while rushing down the hallway to wake mother up. Stopping at the door, I knock lightly, and after not getting a response I slowly open the door and peak inside. My eyebrows furrow together as I see mother's bed empty and made tidy. I close the door and walk back down the hallway, this time going to look in the living room. As I turn the corner, I jump back in surprise as mother appears in front of me shouting,

"Happy Birthday Nyoko!" She smiles brightly while looking at me with love in her eyes, "You're now seven years old." 

"Mama don't scare me like that." I giggle while jumping up to give her a hug. We embrace each other in the living room for a couple minutes while I hear mother sniffle. I pull back and frown, "Mama what's wrong? You should be happy!" She wipes her eyes and laughs at me.

"Come on, let's go open your presents." She takes my hand and leads me onto the couch, and I could see a couple of wrapped things. Finding it hard to conceal my excitement, I grabbed the one with white wrapping paper and ripped it open. Inside was a stuffed white kitty, with a pink bow around it's neck. 

"Mama I love her! I'll keep her with me forever!" I squeal, cuddling the stuffed toy while mother encourages me to open the other. I reach towards the other wrapped gift, this time it was concealed in pure black. For some reason, I was a lot calmer opening this gift, and once it had removed the paper, a black box in a white ribbon awaited me. I pulled off the ribbon, careful not to ruin it as I planned to use it as a hair accessory, and the took the lid off of the box. My eyes opened widely, and I looked at mother in confusion as to why she'd get me such a gift. I look back down to observe the dagger which was in front of me. Clear gems were encrusted into the middle of rose designs, and while daggers are usually silver, this one was pure gold. It wasn't too big yet nor was it too small. I saw a slip of paper next to it and open it, seeing a written note. 

"Mama?" I turn my head to her and I see more tears pooling in the corner of her eyes, yet they still shine with happiness. She nods for me to read the note.

" To My Beloved Nyoko,

I am your father. I have gifted you this dagger as it is a family heirloom from my side of the family. Now, I'm sure your mother won't like that I have given you such a dangerous thing at your age, but I was the same age you were when I was entrusted with it. I'm full of deep regret that you have to be reading this instead of receiving it from me in person. I'm certain you're the most adorable little girl that I should be proud to be called your father. I love you my little treasure, to the moon and back. 

Do me a little favour and give your mother a giant hug and tell her she is the most beautiful woman I ever knew and that I'm proud of her.

Your Father, 

Kin "

I stare, wide eyes, thinking deeply about what I just read. I drop the letter back into the box and push it aside, jumping onto mothers lap and wrapping my arms around her neck. We sit there cuddling tightly.

"Dada says you're the most beautiful person he knew," I whisper in her ear, and mother hugs me tighter and I feel droplets of her tears on my shoulder, "and that he's very proud of you." She pulls back and while tears are rolling down her cheeks, she smiles widely at me full of happiness and love.

Later that day, I say bye to mother as I rush out of the door to go meet my only friend. While walking through the compound, I ignore the usual looks of disgust which I've had to deal with since as long as I can remember, and run towards the playground. On one of the swings I see my friend,

"Sasuke!" I shout towards him, and seeing him look up to my rushing figure. I dive onto the swing next to him and it sends me flying high. 

"Haha Yoko, you're silly" He says loudly, giggling at me on the ground as I was pouting from falling off. I get up and wipe off the dirt and give a toothy smile at him.

"Hey Sasuke, Sasuke! Do you remember what day it is today?" Trying hard to contain my excitement, I see him smirk and pull out something from behind his back. It was a present!

"Of course I know what day it is. You've only been reminding me for the past month!" He shyly passes the gift to me, "I hope you like it, I picked it out but my brother bought it." I take it from him and rip off the wrapping. I open the container inside and I see a beautiful gold necklace with a simple butterfly charm. I squeal, in love with my present and threw my arms around Sasuke.

"Thank you, thank you! I love it and I'll wear it always!" I get off the blushing boy, "Can you put it on me?" I turn around giving the necklace to him, and he places it over my head and move my hair to one side. Before he clasps it together, Sasuke mumbles something under his breath for only us to hear,

"This is my promise to be with you when we're older." I blush and cover my face with my hair as he finishes clasping it, I turn around and peak up at him. 

"Beautiful." Sasuke smiles at me with twinkles in his eyes. Embarrassed, I smack him on the head.

"Idiot!" I jump onto the swing, "Don't say things like that." He laughs, knowing I'm flustered and he goes back to swinging on his swing. We stay at the park for hours, while I show him the gifts I got from my parents which I brought with me in my backpack. It was getting dark and we saw a figure approaching us. 

"Sasuke, time to leave." It was Itachi, his older brother, and kind of like my own brother too. 

"Awwww but I don't want him to go." I whine, wanting to play longer with my best friend.

"Nyoko you should go home too, it's getting late. You don't want to worry your mother." Itachi voices reasonably. Sasuke walks over to me and gives a quick hug before rushing to his brother and grabbing his hand. I wave to both of them as they leave. I gather my things back into my backpack and start to walk back to my house. For some reason, I get distracted by the full moon's glow and I start walking into the dense forest that was next to me on the path. It was pitch black as the trees tower over me, and the silence was eerie. I tripped over a couple times walking to my unknown destination. I fell over a big root in the ground into a clearing, and in the clearing was a small pond. I walk to the edge of the pond and sit down inspecting it. I could see two beautiful koi, one pure white as snow and the other as black as onyx. 

The two fish swim peacefully around each other in unison, lulling me into a sense of tranquillity. I didn't know how long I sat there staring at the two koi but a quiet snap of a twig broke my focus. My heart starts beating quicker and my hearing increases. I suddenly realise that it was stupid of me to wonder into the dark forest at night, not knowing the dangers that may lurk. My eyes dart around into the dense trees, trying to spot where the noise came from but it was too quiet. My small figure quivers in fear, jumping when I hear more noises, this time they were from all around the clearing. 

"Well, well, well.." Tears form in my eyes and I curl into a small ball, once I realise what was happening, "What do we have here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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