Chapter Twenty Three "Different Situation"

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[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{4:45 p.m.}

"Anyone have any ideas to get out of this situation?" Joocie asked nervously,looking at the furious fire that had blocked the entrance of the cave, trapping them in the small cave.

"Guys! I can't find Muffin!" Meme shouted aloud,looking around his surrounding to find the 14 year old. "He must have ran out of the cave in panic while the fire wasn't blocking the entrance of the cave yet!" Woolf answered in a loud voice. "We should go find him then!" Meme said in panic as he was about to ran towards the fire but was hold back.

The doctor turned as he was face to face with Woolf. "Are you crazy!? You might get a third degree burn or even worse!"he said. "And what about Muffin!? He might get one too with all those fire out there!" Meme shouted back,pointing at the furious fire.

Joocie was about to open his mouth to talk when Meme interrupted. "We can't lose another friend again!" He let out a shaky breath. "We already lose Dino,Nadwe,Laff,Tbh... and maybe even Blaza!"He made eye contact with the wolf. "Plus if the three of us stay in this cave for too long,we might run out of oxygen to breath."he mumbled to the wolf as he quickly ran into the fire before his other two friends stopped him.

Woolf sighed as Joocie said. "He is right,we can't lose another friend anymore." Woolf looked at him. "But what about his own life?!" He exclaimed. Joocie stayed silent for a while until he answered. "We just lose Tbh awhile ago so he probably just didn't want history repeating"

Woolf nodded slowly in agreement as he looked at the fire slowly getting bigger by every second. "We can worry about both of them later... What about us?" he mumbled the last part as he saw the black smoke slowly entering the small cave, making both of them hard to breath.

[24th June 2020,Thursday]
{4:50 p.m.}

"We aren't waterbenders,Tbh! We can't just form water out from our hands!" Laff exclaimed. "Then, how are we supposed to stop this fire! It's not like it's gonna rain in any minute!" Tbh said as he pointed his finger to the bright sun. "And Socks isn't listening to me either through the mind communication" he added.

While the both were 'discussing' a way to stop the wild fire, Nadwe noticed a blue figure in the orange fire running. He made a quick look and saw the other two spirits weren't paying attention to him yet. Without hesitation, he quickly ran after the figure without his spirit friends notice.

(They can't teleport due to the fire and black smoke,it will make them get lost while teleporting)

With all the flames and black smokes slowly 'eating' the forest,the blue figure easily leave the 14 year old's sight after a few minutes of following. Nadwe looked around and the only thing in his sight were the wild flames burning the trees faster and faster.


The 14 year old turned his head towards the direction of the voice as his eyes widen. There stood the doctor with some burns and scars on his face, hands and more. "D-Did I turned visible by accident again-?!" Nadwe thought as he saw Meme looking directly at him.

Nadwe and Meme stayed at their pervious spot, making direct eye contact. The 14 year old didn't know what to do, he can't just teleport like last time due to the flames around him. He could turned back invisible in a spilt second but if Meme told the others about what happened and his other two spirit friends heard it, he probably won't ended up in the same ending like last time with Socks.

As the 14 year old saw the doctor took a step forward, he quickly moved a step back. "Nadwe!" Meme suddenly said aloud,making him flinched. "If you keep walking backwards, you will eventually walked into the fire" he explained.

Nadwe looked behind him and saw he was only a few meters away from the burning flames. He gulped since when spirits are visible,they also took normal damage just like how when they were alive. When he turned his head back to the front, Meme was already right in front of him.

"A-Aren't you stuck in the cave with Woolf,Joocie and Muffin...?" Nadwe asked slowly after a long silent. Meme paused for a while before answering. "Muffin isn't in the cave so I kinda ignored the others warning and ran off to find him" He looked at the 14 year old kid. "How are you alive? I saw your dead body at the bottom of the cliff." He asked.

"I-I can't tell you..." he mumbled. Nadwe was about to open his mouth when a voice interrupted him. "Nadwe!? Where the heck are you!?" Nadwe flinched at the sound of voice. Without second thoughts,he quickly spoke to Meme before he ran out of Meme's sights. "I'm sorry,Meme but I had to go! But please don't tell anyone you saw me!"

"Wai...(Wait)" Meme didn't finished his sentence as he saw the direction where Nadwe went,didn't have any footprints on the ground that is full of brown dirt.


Muffin didn't know what he was thinking when he saw 'Blaza' lit the tree on fire. He just ran away from the cave, ran into a more dangerous place,leaving everyone behind in the cave. "Why do I even ran out of the cave in the fire place!?" Muffin thought as he looked at the fire surrounding him in fear.

He can't move,too scared to move. He didn't know how long he was standing there but the fire were just getting closer and closer to him. Muffin looked at the flames, black smoke slowly choking him,making him hard to breath.

His breathing slowly became difficult,vision was getting blurry every second as he slowly lose consciousness and fainted on the hard ground.

"Muffin!" was the last thing he heard before the world turned black for him.

Chapter Twenty Three❤️‍🔥

Summary: Muffin ran out of the cave when the fire was been lit. In a hurry,Meme ran out of the cave to find him,leaving Joocie and Woolf in the cave with a situation. On the way, Meme and Nadwe met each other again. With Muffin, he slowly lose consciousness as he heard someone called his name.

This chapter didn't turn out as I expected...
I'm sorry for late upload again 🥲
I kinda rush this chapter so it's not that good.

Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1129

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