Chapter 1

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It was early Thursday morning at Lake View High. The sun was shining and everybody was excited that the weekend was almost here. Kids were outside chilling and gathering with their friends before going into the school. I was walking and spotted my group of friends Alison. Alexis, Anthony, and Danique.

"Tracy!" Ali yelled

Alison was my bestfreind . She was 5'7 had hazel eyes and a caramel complexion.She ran over to me and bear hugged me squeezing all the precious oxygen out of me.

"A-A-ll-i" I gasped

"Sorry" she said letting me go

"Hey Trace/Tracy" the rest of my friends greeted me.

"Hey guys" I said giving them their individual hugs.

"Wanna come to the store with us?" Alexis asked

"Nah I gotta go meet Drew' I said

I received a mixture of ohhs, ahhs and mhhmmms

I laughed and blushed

Drew was my boyfriend. He was a senior at our school 6'3 had light green eyes and messy brown hair. He had a charming smile that was irresistible and deep dimples that showed every time he made the slightest smile.

"Shut up!" I yelled

"Mhmm whatever. Go hang with your boo. We'll see you in homeroom" Danique said

"Ok later guys" I said

I was half way up the stairs when Alexis stareted yelling

"Oh and Tracy Williams over there in the blue sweater when you and your boyfriend Drew are making out in the janitor's closet DO NOT GET PREGNANT!!!"

Some people started to turn and look at me while others stared and Alexis and my friends who were laughing. I was blushing immensely but tried to hold on to my pride. So I did the most maturely and reasonable thing at that moment I stuck up the middle finger at him and kept walking.

I was on my morning schedule. Go to my locker, get my books, fool around with Drew for a couple minutes until the bell rang then he would walk me to homeroom and be on his merry way. Right now I was on my schedule of closing my locker I didn't see Drew though and that was odd since he is usually here to greet me at my locker in the morning. I decided to go to his locker which was on the second floor, up one flight of stairs. I was walking up the stairs but halted when I heard shifting and moaning noises. A couple was at the top of the stairs making out. It wasn't a surprise really since second to the janitor's closet the staircase was the place for privacy in between classes or early in the morning. It was perfect since the teachers often took the elevator and there were no cameras in certain areas. Being nosy i was trying to get a view of the two lovers but they were so into eating each others faces off it was kind of difficult. After a while I gave up and was just walking up the stairs but then I tripped. The couple jumped apart from the sound of my presence. I looked down too embarrassed to look up at them and was quickly gathering my books that had fell shoving them in my bag. One book in particular had landed unfortunately near the guy's foot. I reached over to get it but then recognized those familiar neon green sneakers. I looked up and felt my heart drop. I'd always read books about when they said that they're heart was broken or had hurt from disloyalty or trust and wondered how that was possible. But now I was feeling it and now I knew it was possible. I looked into the light green eyes that I always looked into and adored which now was filled with guilt.

"Drew" I said

"Babe you know her?" the girl asked

I took a quick glance at her then back to Drew seeing his messy hair and his crumpled shirt. I now gathered myself and was standing up.

"Babe" I chuckled

"Trace I can explain" he said stepping closer

"No need Drew. Fuck you" I said walking back down the stairs

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