Part I : Within

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Bone chilling gusts of wind ripped through Howard's layers as he climbed out the back of his Uber ride. The piercing cold encouraged him to jog in order to escape it quicker. That night was coldest one of month so far, and not by a small margin.

This is just what I get, Howard
thought to himself as he reached the door to his apartment building. Working the late shift never failed to prove miserable. His body ached and the wind left him shivering as he dredged up the stairs to his home on the third floor. However that was what he had to do to make money. To provide for himself and his woman.

All Howard could think about was crawling up next to Mary and going to sleep. By the time he arrived at the door he was moving on autopilot. He took a quick shower before crawling underneath the covers and cuddled up with the warm body of the woman he loved. Falling into the deepest of sleep.

Only a few doors down, another woman had no one to share her bed with. However, her plan to bring someone home involved methods that were of taboo nature.

Agatha stood in the center of the kitchen in her studio apartment.
Five candles burned on the floor in front of her. Each sat at a point on a pentagram inside a circle drawn in goats blood. Ritual items littered the counters around her along with more candles. Eerie shadows casted off the occult objects.

Even amongst other followers of Satan, Agatha struggled finding lovers. She lacked good hygiene nor did she maintain a healthy diet. This left her body looking flabby and smelling, often times, quite unpleasant.

Although her appearance may fail to flatter, it was how she was on the inside that drove men, and sometimes even women, away. She was rude, demanding, and overall extremely arrogant.

An absurd amount of submissiveness was required to please her. Though she did take this into account. One of Agatha's few friends was persuaded to let her have a summoning book, allowing her to bring forth a humble servant to satisfy her desires.

The very same book sat between Agatha's hands as she stepped up to the rim of the circle. After flipping through several pages, she found that which she was looking for. A spell to summon a demonic lover whom would possess a man nearby before returning to the summoning circle. There she would await her lover to come and please her as she so desperately needed.

Despite her friend's insistence on studying latin before using the book, Agatha never bothered even trying. She confidently sounded out the words as she saw fit. When the incantations worked the first time, she saw no reason to worry. Now nearly every man in the building has spent a night as her sex slave.

With an eager grin on her face, she started to read from the pages out loud. As she spoke the room grew colder, the candles dimming slightly. When she finished, a icy wind blew out the candles, leaving the apartment in total darkness. For a moment she waited in anticipation. Her hands grew more and more clammy as the seconds went by.

She nearly screamed at the suddenness of which the candles relit themselves. Their flames returned with heightened intensity. In the middle of the now brightly lit kitchen loomed an intimidating dark presence.

Agatha looked up at the figure that towered over her. A tower formed from the blackest of shadows that billowed like smoke. It glared down upon whom summoned it with burning yellow eyes. Doubt crept into the back of her mind as fear began to rise, but the burning in her loins was not so easily doused. So, deciding it was now time to act, she took a few deep breathes and commanded the demon.

"Go forth and bring back with you a handsome shell to please me with, my servant." She fought hard to keep herself from smiling in order to maintain her dominant role as master of the powerful being.

The demon narrowed its disembodied eyes into fiery slits at her and expanded it's darkness like a cobra preparing to strike. Then it turned away to slither underneath the front door into the outer hallway.

Like a poisonous gas did the shadows leak out from under the door. It kept close to the ground, gliding across the carpet. Lights above flickered as its smoking darkness passed below. Only a few doors down did it sense a worthy vessel. It slithered under a doorway once more.

Howard unconsciously pulled himself closer to Mary, seeking more warmth. If he was still awake, he would've felt the rapidly dropping temperature. He would've smelled rotting stench of sulfur. If he noticed neither, he could just look up.

Above his peaceful sleeping form, malevolent orbs of yellow fire watched him. The eyes then looked to Mary. It lowered itself on top of her, studying her face and figure closely. After a moment it backed away from her only to propel straight into Howard's face. The demon burrowed its way into his head, flooding his orifices with its darkness.

Howard's eyes shot open and his head tilted back as the demon forced its way inside. He arched his back off the bed and his limbs went rigid. Black veins slowly grew across the whites of his eyes, darkening them with each passing second.

His body went limp once the demon was no longer visible. With a blink, Howard's eyes went back to normal. He sat up in his bed, looking at the woman asleep next to him.

Yes, he thought, she'll do just fine.
Howard arose from the mattress and went towards the closet in order to find something to wear.

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