the liquid (vine boom sound effect)

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please play the video whenever the words "the liquid" appear in this story


Bob and Bosip were walking down the street. They had been put into the Friday Night Funkin universe again, but this time the former of the pair didn't mind. In fact, it was Bob who wanted to go! Bosip, of course, had tagged along so that Bob wouldn't get himself into any trouble. He was looking out towards the distance, before having his thoughts interrupted by seeing Bob about to pick up a random bottle on the ground from the corner of his eye. He turned towards Bob, who had already picked up said bottle, and was now holding it in his hands.

"Bosip! Check out this cool drink! It's glowing and everything!"

"...should it even be doing that?" The pair had stopped walking to examine the strange, unknown liquid inside the bottle. It was cyan in color, matching the other shades of cyan that colored the bottle's cap and..wrapper thing that goes around the middle. What's that thing even called? Bob's eyes showed curiosity and a strong temptation to drink whatever this liquid was, however Bosip carefully took the bottle from Bob's hands, thinking to himself.

"..Bob, this could belong to someone and you're just gonna drink it as if it were yours?"

"Aww, come on, Bosip! I wanna know if it's a potion or anything! What if it does something really cool??"

"Bob, no."

"Ugh, fiiine...but can I at least hold it? Please?"

Bosip sighed, giving in to Bob's lowkey pleading. He gave the bottle back to him, his bright blue eyes giving off a stern look. "Okay, but no drinking. Got it?"

Bob nodded, contradicting his internal thoughts. He was gonna drink the liquid. Besides, who was gonna stop him? The police? Of course not. It's not illegal to drink a strange, glowing liquid, after all!

As the two continued to walk down the street, Bob was waiting for any opportunity Bosip was distracted. Each time he was, he would twist the bottle's cap just a little bit. Not enough to fully open the bottle, but enough to get it open in the long-term without Bosip catching him.


After a while, Bosip had received a text.


Pulling out his phone, Bosip realized the text was from Amor. He was wondering where the pair was, asking if they somehow got stuck in Minecraft or whatever. Bob, seeing this perfect opportunity, twisted the cap a little bit more. At this point, the cap was fully off. With Bosip busy responding to Amor, Bob removed the cap and started chugging the liquid, not caring about Bosip's warnings. Since Bob was chugging it, he had held into the bottle tightly, causing the plastic to crinkle and alert Bosip of what Bob was doing. Turning around, Bosip had a panicked look on his face as Bob wiped his mouth, having drunken the entire fucking thing.

"Bob! What did I say?!" Bosip whisper-yelled through clenched teeth, a mix of annoyance and panic in his voice.

"Hhuh? Oh- OH- Yeah, yeah, you to.d me not to drink it..hehehe..." Bob now had a visible cyan hue to his cheeks. It seemed like whatever this liquid was, it was acting similar to some form of alcohol. In short, Bob was acting sorta drunk.

"Oh god..Bob, we should get back home. That thing could have something bad, and..and-"

"Calm dooown, Bosip, I'm fiiine! Ahahahaah, and who was even texting you? Do you have a girllfrieend or something??" Bob's tone of voice became one of tease when he said the word 'girlfriend'. He was poking fun at Bosip, and giggling at his panic.

"Bob, I was texting Amor, now can we please just go home??"

"Only if you carry meeee~" help

Bosip had no choice, did he?

Bosip took a deep breath, picking up his friend and carrying him back the way they came. His face was one of embarrassment as Bob made stupid remarks, slurring on his words and acting weird overall. Bosip never thought he would have to deal with this, especially now, but now he knew he was proven wrong.


Finally returning home, Bosip breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he wouldn't be embarrassed because of the situation...and, the others weren't in sight, so that was good, too. Bob was still giggling and being stupid drunk. All this over a weird glowing liquid.

"Hey...hey- hey Bosip, heheh....did anybody tell you that- that those scars on your face make you look...make you look kinda fucking hot?? Like...bro..." Bob mumbled to Bosip, starting to hiccup between words. Bosip could only respond with a flustered look that said 'not now, Bob'. Still carrying his buddy, Bosip walked over to Bob's room before plopping Bob down on his bed, who was still acting stupid-drunk.

"Bob, you get some rest, okay?? Whatever that liquid was is making you act weird."

"Hmmmngh, nooo...I'm not tired...I actually wanna kinda- dress up or like make myself a know what I'm sayingg, riiight??"

Bosip just internally facepalmed, before nodding and leaving the room to let Bob do whatever it was he was gonna do. Walking into his own room, Bosip sort of collapsed onto his knees, already exhausted from the situation at hand. He just wanted to fall asleep, but if he did, who knows what Bob would get up to.

...but maybe a 5 minute nap wouldn't hurt...




Bob had burst into Bosip's room, interrupting his sleep. Bosip shot up from his bed in alarm, but calmed down when he realized it was just Bob. However, Bob had given himself a different outfit. He had a demon-horn headband, a black, short sleeved crop-top with a blue, long sleeved shirt underneath, black fingerless gloves, and matching black pants and boots with shiny, silver soles and buckles.

"Wh...Bob, I'm trying to sleep...and what are you even wearing??

"I saiid I wanted to dress up! Don't I look beauuutifull?~"

"Uhh.." Bosip found himself too embarrassed to answer honestly. "Y-you're, uhh-"

"Is that a yes?? Thaank youu!! Hehehehehh!!" Bob giggled in delight, showering himself in the imaginary compliment from Bosip. Bosip was about to try and go back to sleep, but-

"Are you tired?? Do you needa cuddle-mate?? Ahaa.."

"Wh- Bob, I'm fine...can I just go back to bed?"

"Awww...but I wanted to snuggle.." Bob had a whiny voice, seeming pretty upset. Seeing this, Bosip sighed, deciding to just give in.


"Yaaayy! Heeheehee! Heehee..heh.."

And then Bob flopped onto Bosip's bed, seemingly passing out.

It was gonna be a long night for Bosip.


Word Count: 1093

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