I'll see you soon kuguri

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the grammar isn't the best lol

shibayama pov

i ran, i ran fast ,i escaped the guards and ran, ran away from the castle to the cliff. At the time i was 12 my eyes where a dark brown that flash red, in the vampire world you're eyes flash red until the moment you meet you're soulmate, but that has nothing to do with the story or at least it didn't at the time. I was at the boundary the place i was told never to go, the boundary of the wolves and vampires. I would lie if I said I wasn't scared every time I went there, but it was my safe space, away from my cousin sakunami, he was a hard believer in the fact that wolves and vampires would never be friends.
   it started way before our birth, the wolves, humans and vampires had wars, brutal ones, death, , brutal murders, burnings and more, the war between them and the humans had stopped. The 2 kings of the vampire kingdom and the queens of the wolves had fallen in love not with each other but with humans, there is an old tale about it.

"one night as the kingdom was at war the kings' heart were in pain that is until they meet the loves of there lives, 2 humans, stopping the war between the vamps and humans later following 2 snake like humans stole the hearts of the queens of the wolves. the 4 couples had each had kids, the sakunami family spilt in 2 the shibayamas and sakunamis the shibayamas had a kid, yuki, who is said to be the kindest heart, the one that would bring peace to the kingdom, Kōsuke, the sakunamis son, had been said to be a leader. the one who would lead the kingdom. named one of the smartest people in the land right after his after his father. the 2 cousins were different but loved one another to there hearts content. the wolves had a new heir to the throne koji, koji hiroo, he was the healer, a skilled one at that, he could heal many lives and so he did. Naoyasu kuguri, cousin of hiroo, a brave kid,he would lead the army's and go marching to victory. these four are the hope, the hope for the future."

i remember that old tale ill remember it forever but at that one time had forgotten the wolves existed. i had sat down and heard running i saw a little boy my age running from something. maybe he was like me running from his problems, from his family. he was running ,eyes closed and everything, faster than the speed of light. that was the problem, he was not looking where he was going. just like that it happened in a few second but the poor boy had fallen off the cliff, hanging to a tree branch. I starred and starred not knowing what to do "HEY ARE YOU OK" i had said. all i heard was whimpering, small whimpering. i stepped back... a wolf. i ran to the poor wolf and looked down, he looked back at me with the eyes that say please, please help me. i knew my cousin would be mad, but i cant ignore someone in need of help.i reached my hand down to him. i saw the look in his eyes he was scared of me. maybe it was my eyes flashing red,maybe my teeth as sharp as nails, or the claws i had extended to him. i realized he shook of the fear and took my  hand. it was a struggle but i got him up he hugged me,hugged me tight i smiled and introduced myself

yuki-I'm shibayama yuki of the vampires

kuguri-I'm naoyasu kuguri, of the wolves

yuki-you're the one from the old tale the brave one

kuguri-and you're the one that has the kindest heart right?

yuki-from what the stories say then yes yes i am

kuguri-um thanks for helping me

yuki-no problem

kuguri-you know i thought vampires where heart less creatures that everything and everyone but now i see im wrong im sorry for what i said about youre people

yuki-its completely fine my cousin says the same about werewoles

kuguri-i see, oh and you're eyes are pretty

ill be honest i blushed yes i blushed because of a wolf but come on wouldn't you.

yuki-thank you

i laughed a bit and saw a figure behind him


suddenly i got attacked

kuguri-HIROO NO

i heard slow breathing as if some one was out of breath

hiroo-STAY... AWAY... FROM ... MY... COUSIN

i stared in disbelief what was happing

kuguri-aren't you supposed to be studying

hiroo-i took a break now expl-

the kid named hiroo got knocked down by a flying object, it stood up and i had notice what or who it was


saku-how about you stay away from mine

he sent hiroo a death glare which hiroo returned
he picked me up and took me back to the castle. i looked over to kuguri and mouthed the words "I'm sorry"
My eyes turned fully red that night.That was years ago but to this day i still try to find him. I'll see you soon kuguri

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