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jaemin hummed along to the pop song playing in the background. he'd, once again, been left on shop duty since his sisters had activities while he didn't and his parents were off to meet a friend. as he liked baking, it wasn't that much of a drag...although he could've thought of a few people he'd rather were there.

it was coming close to evening time, and the sky was dusted with a pristine tangerine glow. whispy strokes of pink were dashed across its canvas — blushing clouds, really. the baker-in-training yawned halfway through his singing and leaned down to open the oven and extract a tray of cupcakes that were finally ready.

the smell was divine, extending across the entirety of the empty bakery with warmth to add a comforting feeling. he was all too distracted, however, since he was worried he'd pissed someone off. beside him on the countertop rested his phone, technically perched there against the rules. his parents couldn't abide by his social media intake, so he wasn't actually allowed to have it with him while working...but no one was there to reprimand.

about twenty minutes prior he had been both texting renjun and mixing batters. by the time the runny mixture was done, the chinese boy had left the chat. jaemin felt bad regardless of the circumstances, because the brunette had asked him if he wanted to 'hang out' which was obviously meant to mean 'let's stay at my place and recall each other's anatomy'. due to the job he had to uphold, obviously the younger was left saying 'no'. he didn't want to sound rude or anything though, and now his brain was sent into overdrive thinking about the fact that his apology had been left on 'read'.

"shoot..." he sighed, blinking lazily and slowly stirring the vanilla frosting in his metal bowl. he knew renjun wasn't sensitive in that sense, and typically just shrugged it off and said something along the lines of 'fine, maybe some other time'. yet there wasn't even so much as a scolding or a beg. just...nothing. "did i fuck up somehow?"

he paused his movements and furrowed his brows in thought. had he phrased something wrong, or missed a signal? was he reading too far into this and perhaps renjun had just left for a shower? why was he like this? so easily wound up.

to soothe his raging whirlwind of a mind, he popped the spatula and bowl back down to pick up his phone after wiping his hands. the sun was setting more quickly it seemed, and the orange was officially navy now.

"it's normal..." jaemin whispered, reading over their conversation once more and pouting like a child when he found nothing out of the ordinary. at least if he could visibly trace his mistake, he could remember to avoid it next time or knew how to fix it. "fuck's sake, what did i say?"

𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴; renminWhere stories live. Discover now