Whole Story

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    Journey poured through the radio into the Impala, shouting its words. Dean was dancing and singing along, banging his fingers on the steering wheel. Sam was next to him, smiling and laughing at the crazed movements of his brother.
    It was Sam's birthday, and Dean was determined to make this the best birthday ever for his little brother. They drove off, going nowhere in particular. Dean had a particularly good feeling about today, but deep down he felt like something was going to go wrong. Then again, with a world full of of angels, demons, and leviathans all loose, what couldn't go wrong. Dean threw the thought away, deep into the back of his mind. He wouldn't let anything go wrong. This day had to be perfect for Sam. It had to be.
     Dean noticed that he had stopped dancing, and Sam looked at him. Sam clicked the music so it turned off.
"Dean, what's wrong?" Sam asked. Dean looked at Sam to see his concerned face, and he shook his head.
    "Nothing. It's fine, just, whatever," Dean blurted out. Sam shrugged. Dean turned the music back on, and took a deep breath. It's okay, nothing is going to happen. But the bad feeling crept back into his mind, like a parasite. And he couldn't get it out. Dean finally admitted it to himself, he had a bad feeling about today. He drove on, trying to concentrate on Sam. There was such happiness in his face, such hope. What looked to be a feeling you couldn't replace, a state of pure happiness and joy. Dean loved these moments, when he could just stare at his brother, and think that maybe, maybe, everything would be okay.
    But something had changed quickly. A massive pain came into his head, and Dean grabbed his head with both hands. The car swerved, and when Dean tried to right it, the pain became worse. The car came off the road, going straight for a huge group of trees. The car impacted with one, and that was the last thing Dean could remember.

.    .    .

    Dean woke up, a throbbing pain just about everywhere on his body. He quickly looked over at Sam, who was still unconscious.
"No, no no no no!" Dean cried as he reached over to Sam. He quickly got out of the car and went over to the passenger door, opening it. Dean unbuckled Sam's seat belt, and pulled him onto the grass. Dean sat there with Sam for 10 minutes, gently trying to wake Sam up. He realized it was most likely useless and trudged up the hill trying to get somebody, anybody's attention. Dean screamed at cars, some people ignored him, but one person, a girl, finally stopped in front of him.
"Are you alright?" the girl asked, concerned. Dean shook his head.
"We...we swerved off the road...and my brother is unconscious...I don't remember much. Can you please help us?!" Dean pleaded.
The girl got out of her car, a blue Ford Mustang. They hurriedly ran down the hill to Sam and the Impala. He still laid unconscious, not moving, but still breathing. The girl knelt down next to him, and Dean did the same.
"He has severe head trauma, and definitely some internal bleeding. He definitely is going to need to go to a hospital. By the way, what's your names? I'm Anna," said the girl.
Anna looked about 20, with fair skin and strawberry blonde hair. Anna seemed rather short, but at the time she was wearing high heels, which made her taller. Anna was wearing a bright blue summer dress, with a wide pink belt around the middle. She had the perfect amount of makeup on, making her just seem...perfect.
"I'm Dean, and this is my brother, Sam. It's his birthday...how could I let something like this happen on his birthday," Dean said in agony. He stroked Sam's hair.
Anna looked at Dean with a caring face. She pet Dean's back softly, silently assuring that everything was going to be okay. He looked at her and attempted to smile. Dean looked back down at Sam, worried, afraid that everything wasn't going to be okay. He didn't want to lose his little brother today.
  After a minute, Dean started to pick up Sam to carry to the car. Anna helped, holding his head. Anna went to the trunk of the car, opened it, and pulled out a blanket. She quickly closed the trunk and laid the blanket in the back seat. Dean carefully placed Sam on the blanket, and closed the door. He opened the passenger door and slid in. Anna rushed around to the other side and went into the car. She started to car, and they went off to the hospital.
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