Test and Harry Vs Basilisk

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Emma's POV

I wake up on a cold damp stone floor. "Coal, Hermione" I say, but get no answer. "Coal! Can anyone hear me!" I shout trying not to cry. I'm in an unknown place with no one to guide me.

"Emma" a timid voice says.

"Ginny, is that you?" I ask relieved that someone was here. "Where are we? Where is Coal?" I ask her.

"I'm sorry, Riddle made me. I had no choice" she states.

"What do you mean?" I ask her and hear a thud somewhere in front of me. "Ginny? Ginny!" I shout, but she doesn't answer. I feel around and soon find a body. "Ginny" I say as tears fill my eyes and find her pulse. Then try to shake her awake. "Please wake up, I don't want to be alone" I plead.

"She won't wake" a guy says and I jump startled and he chuckles.

"Who are you? Your voice doesn't sound familiar" I state.

"I've gone by many names, but you can call me Tom" he tells me. "You intrigue me" he states.

"Why?" I ask him confused as I get to my feet to face where his voice is coming from. Something doesn't feel right. I have to try think of a way to get Ginny and I out of here.

"You're blind, the first blind person I've ever meet. I'd love to test a theory on you" he states.

"What theory?" I ask him.

"I'm curious to see what will happen when the basilisk looks into your eyes" he states. I gulp and back away. Nearly tripping over Ginny. "No need to be afraid, it'll be quick" he says in a false sweet tone. I feel him grab my arms and turn me to around as he says something in Parsel-tongue. I hear something heavy moving on the stone floor and close my eyes.

"None of that" he tells me. "Imperio" he says. "Open your eyes" he instructs. I try to fight it, but couldn't and open them.

Third Persons POV

The statue of Salazar Slytherin starts to move as it's mouth opens. Emma shivers in fear as she hears an ominous snarling . The Basilisk emerges from the darkness and starts to come into the light, growling menacingly. Tom smirks evilly and tells the basilisk to look into Emma's eyes. He does so and she screams before going still. Tom drops her.

"So she becomes petrified" he muses. He tells the basilisk he can eat Ginny and Emma later. And to return to the statue. The basilisk does so and the mouth closes again.

(Time skip)

Harry enters the chamber and sees the two girls laying on the floor. He races over to them. He sees Emma petrified and Ginny unconscious. "Ginny. No, Ginny. Please don't be dead. Wake up. Wake up! Please wake up" he pleads shaking her gently.

"She won't wake" Tom says and Harry turns to face him.

"Tom? Tom Riddle? What do you mean she won't wake? She's not..." Harry trails off.

"She's still alive, but only just" Tom tells him.

"Are you a ghost?" Harry asks him.

"A memory, preserved in a diary for fifty years" Tom explains.

"You've got to help me, Tom. There's a Basilisk" Harry tells him.

"It won't come until it's called" Tom tells him as he plays with Harry's wand. Harry notices and gets to his feet.

"Give me, my wand Tom" he says.

"You won't be needing it" Tom tells him.

"Listen, we've got to go. We've got to save them" Harry tells him. Gesturing to Ginny and Emma.

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