Stranger On The Beach

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Wrists against metal, scuffed and bruised beyond anything reasonable. It's as if I'm forgotten, my existence is ignored by the rodents behind the barrels and the waves crashing against the wood. I ask myself, where would I be if I had just done as I was told? Probably inside a shop, memorizing the names of different trinkets and tools, as well as handing them to Nana. I ran because I didn't want to spend my life like she wanted me to, but now I'd rather be handing her 3 little screws for some broken clock; Because that sounds much nicer than being stuck underneath a bunch of men who reek of booze and unwashed clothes. I would have still been able to see the flowers, and wake up to the snapdragons growing out my window. But I was stubborn, I relented and it ended me up here.

The smell of salt and fish is constant, worsening in some areas and becoming bearable in others. I can feel the filth collecting on my body, in my hair. I can't see it, but the shackles have torn into my skin and my wrists are sure to be infected. I audibly sigh, tired of this existence. In the mix of footsteps above, the particular sound of a steel-toed boot against wood seems to stand out against the noise. The steps are quick and frantic, and followed by the voice of a man shouting for weapons at the ready. Memories of pointed swords threatening to slice away at me cloud my head, and I curl in on myself. I'm reminded of the means in which I was taken below deck, through shoving and my hands bound against my will. I've been here so long, yet I can never forget that terrible moment.

I'm still fed at a minimum to keep me alive, but it's only to see if they trade me off for anything valuable. For months I've been stuck in a cycle of despair. I carve a line in the wood with a sharp corner on my cuffs upon the rising of the sun, allowing me to keep time. When I do sleep, it's for a short time before the waves against the sides of the ship wake me harshly. Everyday a seemingly random crewmate brings down food to keep me alive. It's a miserable life, but I don't think I can blame anyone but myself for whatever this is.

I come back to my senses hearing more boots sound on the wood, thudding down two at a time. Cries of pain and yelling cause a stiffening reaction from my head to feet. I shudder, and shriek when a colliding force rips me forward, yanking my wrists and tearing the rope attached to the metal ring on the ground. The freedom comes for a price though, re-stating the distress the scraped tissue was in. The planks above me fold into each other and snap, falling from the front of the ship and creating a gaping hole in the side of it. Water rushes forward and I fly backwards upon impact of the sudden wave. My hands bound, unable to tread, forces me to kick my weakened legs and force myself to the surface. I have to go through the hole in the deck, and get out from underneath the drifting planks.

I eventually grab hold of one, and desperately inhale. Desperately try to survive. My thoughts swarm with possibilities, stories of pirates dying at sea unable to hold onto the barrel or wood plank long enough before they let go and drown. I shudder, then close my eyes. The water is chilled, for the most part. My face is warmed, most likely by unnoticed tears flowing from shock. I tighten my grip to my current floatation, and open my eyes to see a distant shore. Above it through the mist stands far-too square shapes to be made naturally- and I am hopeful for civilization beyond the waters ahead of me. I lift my head, only for it to fall again in a fit of exhaustion. Having been restrained for six months or so, physical actions were far more tiring than desired. I heave myself to the surface of the plank, as to stay afloat with less effort. I exhale in relief and close my eyes. I almost immediately find myself asleep.


I run my fingers through the grainy floor of my current position, and turn from my side onto my back. I open my arms as though preparing to make a snow angel, like I'd do as a child. I find there's sand covering the majority of my figure, even going underneath my shirt. I attempt to stand, only to stumble and plant my face straight back into the sand. I get an unpleasant mouthful of it, and promptly hear distant laughter- presumably mocking my unpleasant state. I turn to face the source and find it to be a figure walking towards me. I would say someone, but it's hard to tell if it's human or not. The unusually tall height throws me off a bit, as well as what looks like horns and a long, thin tail with a tuft of black and white fur on the end. The closer they get, the more features I can see; like the split between skintones of ink-black and cloud-white. This isn't the only split; The eyes are also two different and intense colors. The left bright green, and the right a brilliant shade of red. The half features were really quite beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2021 ⏰

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