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This story contains a lot of smut and bdsm.
If you're not comfortable reading stuff like this please exist the story.


"You should've seen her. She was drooling all over my dick."


"She ended up crying. I felt really bad so I stopped, but it was pretty hot."

"That's nice."

"But after I pulled her up she begged me to let her keep going."

"Uh huh."

"She even let me put my hand on her head and push her down. I didn't know it was this good to be a dom."

Kim Seokjin looks up from his laptop, an annoyed glint in his eyes. Jeongguk doesn't notice, too busy using his front-facing camera on his phone to inspect his hickeys.

"Listen, I'm really happy that you've discovered your sexuality and all that, but I'm trying to work on stuff here." He glances at Jeongguk's open textbook and has to fight the rush of unjust hatred towards the freshman. He remembers the good old days when he didn't really understand what a thesis was either.

Jeongguk turns around and flashes his friend an apologetic look, cheeks turning pink.

"Sorry, hyung."

Seokjin sighs, stomach twisting with guilt, but he really doesn't want to hear about Jeongguk's sexual escapades at ten in the morning. Not without alcohol anyway, but, it's ten in the morning and they're in a public library. Despite this, Seokjin is just about on the verge of caving - Jeongguk looks like a wounded animal right now with big round eyes shining with hurt, bottom lip just barely jutted out – when he spots Taehyung walking toward their table with Jimin attached to him.

"Taehyung! Jimin!" He tries not to sound too relieved as he waves them over. "There you go, Jeongguk, tell them."

Jeongguk's eyes light up as he turns to face the new arrivals. He jumps up from his seat and looks a lot like a puppy whose owners have just come home.

"Tell us what?" Seokjin stands up and collects his laptop and papers. Jimin watches him leave with furrowed brows as he unlatches his arms and legs from around Taehyung. "Did you talk his ear off again, Jeongguk? You know how stressed he and Yoongi-hyung are right now. Last night I sent Yoongi a DM on Twitter and he blocked me. He blocked me! Told me I was too distracting. Can you believe that?"

"Hyung," Jeongguk bounces on his heels excitedly, "I had sex last night."

Taehyung snorts as he collapses onto the nearby musty sofa, legs spread wide and arms behind his head, emulating the dictionary definition of man-spreading.


Jeongguk mirrors Taehyung, though he takes up comparatively less space than him as he curls into the corner of the couch. Jimin sits down next to Jeongguk, resting his head on his shoulder. A nearby library monitor is watching the three of them with disapproval thick in her eyes, but she doesn't make any moves to come over. She can't really scold college boys for their laziness, as much as she'd like to.

Jimin looks at Jeongguk through the corner of his eye. "What's this, the third time you've banged someone?"

Jeongguk flicks his forearm. "I've had sex plenty."

"Didn't you lose your virginity like a month ago?"

"Hyung," Jeongguk whines, pushes at Jimin's shoulders but the other has found a new person to leech on after separating from Taehyung and there's no detaching him at this point. He giggles into Jeongguk's side.

"Tell us all about it then. Minus the gross details."

"Is making her drool on my dick a gross detail?"

Jimin pinches his lips like he has smelt something bad. "Guk!"

Taehyung looks thoroughly amused from where he's sprawled on the couch. "Wow, I can't believe he said that without blushing."

Well, he's blushing now as he laughs, too much attention on him and some of his bravado falling away as he seeks his hyungs' approval. Jimin pats him on the shoulder and tells him he's the man, so he perks up a bit.

"It feels so good though."

"Gross, I don't need to know that."

"No, I mean-" He shoves Jimin again, neck tinged with blotches of red. "I don't mean like that. I meant to finally be doing it. Figuring out who I am and stuff. Ugh." He buries his face into Jimin's chest and feels how the other shakes with laughter.

"Ah, there's our shy little bunny." Jimin strokes his hair back, revealing his rosy skin. "It's okay, we aren't making fun of you."

"I am." Taehyung's voice is thick with amusement. "I can't believe you've been having sex for a month and you already think you're a dom."

Jeongguk pulls his head up to glare at Taehyung. "I am a dom."

Another snort. "Yeah, okay."

"I am!"

"You don't even understand what it means to be a dom."

"Oh? And you do?"

His milky chocolate eyes shift and darken as he answers, "I do."

Jimin is looking between the two of them with a slowly dissipating smirk.

"What does it mean then, Mr. Grey?"

Taehyung's head tilts to the side ever so slightly. "What?"

"Mr. Grey. You know, like Christian Grey. 50 Shades of Grey?"

Taehyung laughs so hard he almost falls off of the couch.

"You think that's what BDSM is really like? That's so cute, Gukkie, no wonder you think you're a dom." His voice is light with a teasing lilt, his eyes heavy with condescension. "So cute."

Jeongguk looks away just as Jimin pulls himself away from the youngest member and stands up off of the couch.

"I'm going to go... somewhere else."

Taehyung leans forward to cast his eye over Jeongguk, whose own gaze is nervously flitting from Taehyung's hands to Jimin's disappearing back as he wanders over in the direction Seokjin had last been seen.

"BDSM is a lot more than whips and blindfolds, you know." Jeongguk squirms. He hasn't known Taehyung for very long and they've never talked about something like this so seriously before.

"This conversation is getting weird."

"The fact that you can't have this conversation is proof you're a sub."

"I've been a top almost every time. The first guy I slept with asked me to choke him and said I was really good at it. I tried bottoming and it wasn't fun. So there."

"Oh, sweet little Gukkie." Taehyung shakes his head, still smirking away. "Being a dom and being a top are two different things. Haven't you heard of a power bottom?"

"Of- of course I have."

"You are not one of them, believe me, and you have none of the qualities of a dom."

"I'm strong. I like to take charge." Jeongguk's voice gets smaller and smaller as he stares down at the patterned carpet. Taehyung watches him for a moment longer before his shoulders relax and he smiles a lazy smile.

"Okay then, I believe you." Jeongguk blinks, looks confused at the abrupt closing of the matter. The older student pushes himself off of the couch, walks over and ruffles Jeongguk's hair affectionately. Jeongguk flails his arms to ward him off. "Come on. I'm pretty sure Jimin went to annoy Seokjin some more and I'm worried for his health."

"Whose health, exactly?"


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