Welcome To Paradis

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Levi cleans the house as usual because he really doesn't like remembering what his life was before, sleeping on a dirty floor and a leaky ceiling but he's grateful that he's not there anymore. The last time he remembers he was happy when his mom, Kuchel was still alive. Life was hard for both of them, but his mom makes sure that he is well-fed, and his hair doesn't overgrow. For him, she's the best mother and to keep a memory of Kuchel, Levi kept her dress and makes sure that it is safe. And ever since Luorix came to his house, he felt something that is unusual like, he doesn't want to lose sight of her, and it irritates him whenever she's rejecting his offer to drink a hot tea with him. So, sometimes he insults the food that Luorix cooked he says it tastes bad, but the truth is, he really loves and enjoys the food.

"Umm, can I help you?" Luorix pointed her finger to the mop and offered Levi some help to clean the floor he looked at her and his narrowed sharp eyes seems to insult her to the bone.

"No, you can't clean properly." Levi replied with his cold and I-don't-give-a-damn attitude and continued cleaning, but the truth is, he just wants her to rest because she just finished cooking.

"Ehhh?? You always say that Levi!" Luorix sounds disappointed with Levi's reply to her.

"Yes, because the way you clean doesn't meet my standards." Levi said as he continues to sweep the floor.

"Well, yeah, okay if you don't want my help." Luorix replied then she rolled her eyes and sat on the couch, sending Levi a brat attitude but he looked at her nonchalantly and grab the mop from the bucket.

After Levi finished cleaning the house and he noticed that Luorix fell asleep on the couch but instead of waking her up, he just put the blanket on, so she won't feel cold. Levi knows that every night Luorix is giving her blanket to him because he's having trouble in sleeping due to cold temperature and insomnia.

"We're ho---" Isabel shouted but she was silenced by Levi.

"Ssshh.. Isabel don't be so loud she just fell asleep." Levi said and Isabel look at Furlan so shocked because of what their friend said. Their jaw dropped because that was the first time, they saw Levi being nice to someone.

"Levi bro, don't tell us y--." Isabel said.

"Shut the fuck up Isabel it's not what you're thinking." Levi replied and he looked at them, narrowing his eyes on their dirty shoes.

"Oi, who told you that you can enter the house with your dirty shoes on?" Levi said. Isabel and Furlan almost jumped out of the house because they stepped on a newly cleaned floor. They both removed their shoes and grab the mop to clean the dirty part of the floor.

Luorix slowly opened her eyes, and she was startled by Levi who's sitting beside her and staring at her. Intimidated by his presence, she rattled and quickly stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare the food. But instead of food, she placed an empty pot on the table which made Isabel laugh.

"Luorix!" Isabel said and she pointed her finger to the pot, still giggling. Luorix's eyes widened, and her cheeks went red which she cannot hide from everyone inside of the house. She really feels embarrassed because she's absent-minded in front of Isabel, Levi, and Furlan.

"What are you doing dummy doctor Chapman???" Luorix said to herself.

"I'm sorry I just woke up and Levi startled me, so I panicked." Luorix said while preparing the food on the table, but Levi just ignored her. Isabel and Furlan took their seats meanwhile, Levi stood up and went to the kitchen drawers and picked up a bag of his favorite black tea, and prepared it there.

Luorix sat beside Isabel who is smiling like a weirdo, and she was like "Okay??? What do you want to say??".

"Do you like him?" Isabel whispered to Luorix's right ear, and her eyes shows enthusiasm like she really wants to know the truth between her and Levi.

HEICHOU LEVI ACKERMANWhere stories live. Discover now