Part 18 : here i am😞💔

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Chicago Illinois 📍
Arianna Fletcher 💗

"Ari I been looking everywhere for you"

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"Ari I been looking everywhere for you" .

I stood there in complete shock. I seen a light skin lady that was standing straight and beautiful. It was Erin. I felt myself get pulled into a hug, because of the shock I was hesitant to hug back. She didn't look like she was sprung off drugs or anything.

"Can you hug me back? Please" she asked me. I felt her wet tears on my shoulder. I wrapped my hands around her waist hugging her back. I don't wanna refer to her as my mother right now, cause when I did she hurt me .

She let go of me and directed me to come in. I just stood in the living room. I looked around and reminisced of me when I was little.

"Can you sit down?" Erin asked me . Erin's my mother real name by the way.

I sat down and looked at her. "Who are you?". I never seen her clean since I was 5 so this is new to me, especially since I'm 23 now .

"I know I wasn't the best mother to you. I went to rehab and got cleaned and I've been looking for you ever since" she said sitting her hand on my lap.

I never thought she would've came looking for me . I thought drugs was her whole life. As much as I wanted to cry , I don't want her to know how bad she hurt my feelings.

"Say something Arianna" she said looking at me.

"Ion know what to say, I never thought you cared enough to get clean and look for me" I told her .

"I'm not surprised you felt that way, but I was woke the night you left, and it made me realize after you was gon you were all I had,so I had to get clean. I am truly sorry Ariana"

I didn't wanna hold a grudge against her at all. If that was the case I wouldn't have came all the way out here. I wanted a sincere apology and to see a change in her.

"I forgive you" I replied with a cheap smile.

"Thank god, I'm happy to hear you say that especially since it look like im about to be grandmother" she said smiling at my belly.

"Yeah hopefully we can work our way there"

"I don't wanna be inna rush to leave ,but here's my number and I'll be to see you before I leave and I'll get you flight to Atlanta where I live before I have my baby" I said handing her a piece of paper.

"Thank you again Arianna, I'll be in touch and see you soon"

I gave her a hug and left out .

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