Sisyphus tries his best

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"Mijo, I'm so sorry, i just can't anymore. I feel like I'm living on eggshells, you're not living with me anymore"

The horror of the situation was sinking in, Sisyphus was being abandoned. His body started to boil in embarrassment, his faucet eyes wouldn't close, his throat was clamped shut. He had always tried his best, at 11, he took care of himself despite his needs not being met. His calloused palms had his fingers squeeze around them, his attempts to stop from hiccuping were failing, his body slowly crashed onto the floor. His fainting spells only occur when hot, this time was no exception.

In. Oxygen.
Out. Relief.

The past five years haven't been easy. Sissy and his Tía were both disabled, her missing arm and lack of a leg after serving her term in the U.S. Army left her in a pretty rough shape, and then having to raise a teenager, oh boy did Lia have her plate full.  His terrors have gotten better, and Sisyphus has come to accept the fact that it was never his fault that his mother couldn't raise him for too long, she already had underlying issues that lead her to making the (right) decision to give up guardianship of her son.

Sissy's first day of senior year was tough. He immediately broke down first period, not being used to being stared at since he spent the last three years in a small special education school. He tried his best to wear normal teenager clothes, but his pastel-only color scheme, slightly darker skin, peridot irises, and light blue hair, they all made him stand out in his very pale school. Sissy didn't even go full harajuku and he was the brightest one there. His Harry Potter bracelet that his papa sent him was the only comfort he had in that class room.

"Issy! Issy! Vamos mijo! You're going to be late!"

The first day after thanksgiving break, Sisyphus grabs the 6 handmade cards, one for Jess's birthday today, and 5 for the people's birthday he'd miss over the break. Jess was an underclassman, being in her sophomore year, she kicked someone in their downstairs after they called Sissy an immigrant who needs to go home (ignoring the fact that Sissy's papa was very much American, being a descendant of Thomas Jefferson, and is a multi millionaire). Jess became a close friend of his, and was very dissatisfied with Sissy's choice to buy that same person lunch a few weeks after that incident.

Sissy came downstairs to his Tía, tapped her head, then left. Sissy has a lot of trouble speaking, these nonverbal ways if saying "goodbye, I love you" helped him a lot. Sissy isn't allowed to drive, so he sat on the curbside until Maisy pulled up. Her real name being Margaret, her preferring Daisy, and one of Sissy's one of many name mishaps later, most call her Maisy, her, her brother, and her cousins being the only other people of color, they became quick friends over shared experiences.

Sissy tries his best to think straight.
It didn't work.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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