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Sometimes you can't be sure how complicated everything can be, if the decisions made are bad or even worse than bad. The last thing I saw was that flash of green light before I could hear, smell, or feel anything else. And my only memory at that moment was her smile and her eyes full of love, in that instant I completely regretted not being able to keep my promise. And now, now just my body was slowly falling to the cold ground, hearing my father's scream cursing and two boys running away at the right time.

Maybe it is the part of the story that will never be told, the one that will never come to light, because I am nobody and because I don't deserve anyone's love, least of all that young man with black hair. I regret not having been a good daughter, not a good friend and not a good sister either, I hurt many for defending what I loved the most or at least that is what I thought. Yes, this is my story and this one does not have a happy ending like many others, at least not for me.

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-Twenty days before-
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Hogwarts, the perfect academy to learn about magic, and for me, the perfect place to be away from my father and his horrible plan. As expected it would not be a quiet year, the entire student body had run to see who our guests were and watched from the top of the castle or from the courtyard. A carriage with splendid pegasus appeared between the clouds, landing with the least care on the academy field, the whispers of curiosity rang until a dry noise called the attention of all present, everyone turned to the black lake, a small boat or something similar to it, was sailing through the waters, until a creaking of wood announced the unexpected and great ship, everyone shouted and whistled when noticing how the great ship stood out from the bottom of the water.

Shouts, murmurs and applause reigned in the courtyard and the occasional whistle as we watched what seemed to be our guests.

— A pleasant surprise, don't you think, Nadir.

The reddish-haired girl spoke, I nodded without saying much as usual.

— Oh come on, cheer up it will be a good year, or do you still have problems with Malfoy?

I denied almost instantly, it was true that my friendship with the golden trio had surprised more than one and my house, Slytherin, was no exception and much less Mr. Malfoy, who had managed to annoy me and make a fool of me in many situations. When I felt a slight tug I stood up immediately to accompany my friends to the big dining room, some ran to see their friends again, and others were already seated at their corresponding tables, I let out a sigh when I realized how the only friends I had were from the "enemy" house, and although at the beginning I had done it to contradict my father with the passage of time I had become fond of that short boy with glasses, the redhead who ate in his sleep and the girl who always had the word "library" in her mouth.

— I'd better go to my table, I got in enough trouble last year for sitting with you guys.

Hermione was about to speak, but I had already moved away, I went around the Hufflepuff table to get to mine and take a seat, the Malfoy entourage was entertaining talking about what had happened in the Quidditch championship, which was a point in my favor, so they wouldn't have to bother me. My thoughts were interrupted when the headmaster got ready to speak, welcoming the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools, first the radiant French girls entered, an elegant, simple and quite feminine entrance, a few seconds later the Romanian boys' school entered, their presentation was completely different from Beauxbatons, war cries, fire, blows, but an impeccable entrance by all the members of Durmstrang. Shouts and applause stopped when Dumbledore spoke again, announcing that Hogwarts will be the school where the famous Triwizard Tournament will take place. Definitely that was great news and the shouts and applause of happiness flooded the great dining room, these changed radically when Bertemius Crouch, head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation and official of the Ministry of Magic announced the age limit, booing and shouts of protest were the most heard in that long room, without more to add, the official gave the floor to the Headmaster.

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