Pokemon! Discord Version: Book 1

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Introduction: Arc 0; Origins and revelations

*Explosion* *Crackle*

"The singe of fire rewrites humanity, for "they" have turned the world in on itself..." Team Rocket, an organization that originally would defend the world from devastation as well as pave the road for POKEMON and people to coexist with each other free of war and discord. Times have changed, currently Team Rocket are known as the ones who control and oppress anything that may draw breath in this tormented overworld. Within The Agoria Region, a place called Hallow Town or "Sector 66", is ground zero. Currently, it is being viciously torn apart by the hand of Team Rocket's heir to the supreme throne, Prince Adonis Nova. Agoria is made up of eight major nations as well as many small villages and societies. Hallow town where team rocket was founded, was once a prideful home of fearless heroes, now it has become a desolate breeding ground for the most foul spirits of cold death and suffering. Surrounded by the eerie acres that harbor only the lost, dying, or dead. Most weary travelers stay away unless they are confident enough in their abilities and self worthiness.

Prince Adonis and his Alpha team of elite officials are the top tier finest warriors and pokemon trainers Team Rocket has to offer handpicked by King Xalis himself. Team Rocket has personally ensured that any town within its grasp has an absolute zero chance at prosperity, thus creating the darkness, in which the living fear the most. Armed with the most modern, cutting edge gear and Pokemon partners they have trained since childhood, Prince Adonis's Alpha Team was nearly unstoppable.

The prince proudly led his team with the wretched demonic blade passed through his royal family for generations, delivering pure horror with every swing. It is rumored that the blade was carefully crafted by the deity trio AZELF, UXIE, and MESPRIT under the order of ARCEUS the creator, at the beginning of time. That is until GIRATINA the dark overlord, slipped into Outer Haven undetected and stole the blade from Arceus, possessing it with surges of menacing wretchedness. Long ago, the king of Origin, Lord Xiro entered the Distortion Realm using a unique, hereditary form of magic. This ability he possessed was a technique unknown to anyone else in the world and still to this day holds great mystery in its origin. Using it, he overpowered the Dark One and sealed the cancerous portal with the Phantom Blade, severing the world from its very ties to the foul, deathly dimension.

Because of Lord Xiro, only the dead may cross over the river to Distortion World, just as nature intended. The Phantom Blade however, comes with an ancient devilish contract you must sign in your own blood, in order to wield it's grim, sinister powers. Only the elite may survive the contract, for one of it's requirements is for the blade to deem your spirit worthy. In the unfortunate situation it doesn't, the one who attempted the contract is syphoned of their very soul by the dark one Giratina. First discovered by Lord Xiro Nova, the founder of Team Rocket and father to Eldridge, the contract has been passed along from father to son through each generation of kings. King Xalis is known to most people around the world as "The Demon King" or "Tyrant King", a dictator-type leader who is rumored to be the most powerful being on the planet, Allied with the most horrifying pokemon, weapons and technology this realm has ever known. However, his father, Eldridge The Liberator, was not cut from the same cloth. He was a kind sage and a legendary hero. Though he was a compassionate leader, he possessed the knowledge and power to devastate entire armies of pokemon and warriors by himself with ease. Power is not something he is known to flaunt or use irresponsibly. He often spoke of "balance" and "Karmic return", throughout his teachings. Truly enlightened, some believe Eldridge spoke to gods and even touched ARCEUS The Cosmic Creator while passing through the Nexus of the universe, upon the back of RAYQUAZA. A man who reaches the highly renowned level of "Master", is one worthy of the honorable title "Sage".

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