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The streets of Shallow Falls were deserted and dead silent as it should be at around 2am, an occasional gust sweeping through the quiet neighborhood. The weightless darkness surrounding the environment punctured by tiny pinpricks of light emitting from several lampposts that stood tall by the curbs. Meanwhile in the bowels of a suburban double-story house near the end of the road lies a boy, no older than nine fast asleep in his unnaturally untidy room. As he slumbers, he twitches slightly. Then, he twists violently on his bed, entangling himself with his blanket. His frightened cries and yells rang through the still night.

Hurried footsteps approach his bedroom door and two of the boy's older sisters burst into view, both of them in their nightgowns.

'What's going on? Is everything all right?' asked Nikole anxiously the eldest sibling of the three.

'Aaron! Aaron!', yelled Yana frightfully. 'Open your-'

The boy called Aaron sat up in a bolt, panting hard and shaking slightly. 'I-I- was it real-l?' he asked tremulously. Both his sisters sat down on either side of him with realization, concern and fear in their eyes.

'You w-were thrashing in y-your sleep...what did you see Aaron?' said Nikole, her toned face gleaming in the moonlight.

'It' and-d women, they w-were a...prophecy...?'

Nikole got up and dialed a number on her phone. Yana wrapped a consoling arm around Aaron who was still shaking, shushing him gently.

'Liz, we need you now...its urgent. How fast can you get here?' asked Nikole appealingly. The voice on the other end replied, Nikole nodded appreciatively and hung up after a quick "thanks".

Nikole turned back to her siblings; her expression slightly calmer. 'Liz is on her way now.' Yana nodded, pressing Aaron closely to her cooing softly. Ten minutes later, Liz entered the West's threshold sporting a midnight blue jacket, an undershirt beneath with matching bootcut jeans. Her soft blue eyes swept over to Aaron, still huddled in his sister's arms.

Nikole spoke to Liz under hushed tones, 'We think that our brother had a while ago. Could you perhaps help to investigate further into this matter Liz?'

Liz turn her blue eyes on Nikole and murmured 'Yes of course Nik, I'll see what else I can find. Yana, place Aaron on the couch and if you would, please hold on to his hand.'

Yana did as she was told whispering softly, 'It's okay Aaron, it's okay...just relax'.

Liz touched Aaron's temples at his forehead and muttered a few strange words. Instantly, she saw everything from Aaron's vision. Images flashed before her, vivid and bloody. This is bad, worse than before, she thought. She withdrew her hands and opened her eyes, digesting what she just saw. Silently, Liz exchanged meaningful looks with the sisters striding towards the kitchen.

'Well?' breathed Nikole.

'It's true sister, like we always predicted.' piped Yana, her almond brown doe-like eyes filled with terror. Nikole whipped around to look at her, mirroring her sister's fear. 'I saw it too.'

'Your brother has been having these as nightmares very often for quite a while now. This time is like the prophecy spoke to him. The time has come, you both understand the gravity of the situation.' confirmed Liz, looking at them gravely.

'He is a Talon as of today.'

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