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Mark walked slightly ahead as he and Donghyuck edged towards the row of houses he lived in. Both didn't speak much to begin with — mostly because the ravenette had the clear image of either self-harm or abuse lingering in his head. The cloudiness hadn't passed at all, thus the miserable atmosphere created by pathetic fallacy continued.

The older of the pair hadn't realised he was starting to slow down until his tired gaze shifted up to spot Hyuck wandering off ahead. At first he thought nothing of it, simply blinking at the scene and shoving his hands into his pockets. The first aid kit seemed to lightly hit of the younger's thigh as he walked, and it was somewhat entrancing.

"Are your parents nice?" The blonde suddenly spoke up, slicing through a tense silence. When Mark didn't respond immediately, he glanced over his shoulder to view him. "Hm?"

"Ah," the taller swallowed thickly, "They're lovely. T-To be honest, I don't usually introduce them to other people...in fact, I wasn't planning on it at all when we moved here." Oh, am I already saying too much? Maybe Donghyuck doesn't care about this kind of thing.

"If I were to ask you 'why?', would you answer?"

Mark glided his tongue over his lower lip and tried not to focus on any one thing in particular. "Uh, maybe. The reason we moved was to avoid judgement, and yet I don't think any place on the planet doesn't have it."

"Let me guess," the blonde turned around to walk backwards and face him, still going the right way regardless. This briefly caught the older's attention, though he instantly left that thought behind to lock eyes with his classmate. "Two dads? Two mums?"

"No, nothing like that."

"Oh? What's the story?"

"They're thirty-four."

Hyuck visible took a moment to think about it and finicked with the first aid kit in his hands for a distraction. "Is that it? A teen pregnancy story?"

"A high school romance story wherein the girl falls pregnant, more like. They're still together...but where we lived thought they were shameful, y'know? I don't know my grandparents."

"Mark, it's not that bad. You shouldn't be so agitated or embarrassed over it," the younger hummed, turning back around and leading them to the dark-haired male's home. "There are worse situations, I assure you."

Like whatever the Hell is happening to you? The older desperately wanted to ask, although their stories already felt way different. Exposing his history of being judged for having young parents and being called a 'mistake' when he knew he wasn't didn't quite feel the same as admitting to why there were bruises all over one's body. It really could've been anything, but his capable head shot straight to mistreatment. 

𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now