Week 1

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Monday A.M

(10.37) Marie! J'ai laissé mes livres à l'hôpital.

(10.38) Ne m'ignore pas s'il te plaît, et ramène-les moi quand tu passeras me voir.

(10.45) Wrong number.

(10.46) Oh no, I'm sorry!

(10.47) New phone?

(10.48) Not even. I may have copied her number wrong.

(10.49) I feel like you were about to type a cursing word.

(10.49) No cursing for me.

(10.51) Okay then, angel. What language did you write in?


Monday P.M

(5.40) Sorry. It was french.

(5.40) French, how fancy.

(5.43) French isn't especially fancy, is it?

(5.44) Definitely is.

(5.45) Well, thanks for telling me, I guess.

(5.46) You're welcome, french stranger.

(5.49) How come you messaged me if you're in France? You haven't got the same numbers there, right?

(5.51) I live in England.

(5.52) Oh, okay.

(5.53) So what's your name?

(5.57) You're a complete stranger. Why should I tell you my name?

(5.58) Because you're curious to know more about me, and sharing infos is the first step to that. :)

(5.59) Who said I'm interested?

(6.00) I know it. You'd have stopped texting by then if you weren't.

(6.13) Hi?

(6.17) Oh okay. You're doing that.


(11.24) Sleep tight. ;)


Friday P.M

(7.10) I'm not telling you my name yet.

(7.11) Hi! Why not?

(7.13) You seem like the type of person who would make a joke out of it.

(7.13) Aw come on, is it that punny?

(7.16) Is "punny" an actual word? And yes it is. I can think of at least two play on words to do with it. Three in french.

(7.17) Well in case you want to know, mine's Connor.

(7.18) That's such a nice name.

(7.20) Call me Con.

(7.22) That doesn't mean something very nice in my fancy mother tongue, but fine. Are we at the nickname state yet?

(7.23) I don't even know yours, that's super unfair.

(7.26) It's too short to make a nickname out of it.

(7.28) Fine, I'll keep on calling you angel then.

(7.31) I'm not an angel, but if you want to.

(7.31) I do. :)

(7.32) Would you please stop with the smiley faces? I feel like I'm talking to a 7 years old child.

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