The Wonderful World of Smexiness - Introduction

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Aha~ So, this is basically my quick introduction xD I apologize if anyone thought that this was a chapter ^^

Firstly, it'll be awesome to get some requests of you guys >.< All you need to do is message me, and bang! Your one-shot will be written ^.~

Oh, and this is rated R for any one-shots that are not suitable for children

~d(^_^)b~ Nevertheless, the following one-shots will range from PG to R, so be warned~ ≧◔◡◔≦

Now, I apologise in advance if your one-shot takes awhile to write; I'm kinda doing my exams this year, so I have to study hard -_- .... who even likes school?

So yeah..... I don't bite ;D

Ok.... I'm gunna go now~

Message me for a one-shot, comment on this to tell me how awesome I am >:P Jk~

In all honesty though, you no comment, I'll attack you in your sleep with giant unicorns! xD Muhahahahaha~ I'm so evil!

Over and out~! <3

WAIT! Before I go, there first one-shot will be uploaded soon, so look out for that >.< It's my first one, so be kind xD Okay, I'm really going to go now~ x

The Wonderful World of Smexiness (BoyxBoy) Where stories live. Discover now