Happy 19th Birthday, Wataru & Hikaru!

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The date was October 4th, 2021. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Wataru Suzuki (Thorned Rose AS) and his twin sister Hikaru (Sunflower AS) were going over to see Wataru's girlfriend Ame Nishiyomi (Ame) at her house.

Sunflower AS: Wow. I see a lot of pets here.

Thorned Rose AS: Yeah. Ame and her brother Hougetsu (Phoenix Moon) are known for their many cats and dogs.

Sunflower AS: However, I don't think that one likes me.

She pointed at Ace, the German Shepherd, who was growling at the twins.

Ame: Oh, don't mind him. He doesn't like strangers that much. He growls at anyone that is not me or Hougetsu.

Sunflower AS: Okay.

Ame: I assume you must be Wataru's sister.

Sunflower AS: Yes. I'm Hikaru.

Ame: Nice to meet you. I'm Ame, but you know that already.

Sunflower AS: So, how long have you known my brother for?

Ame: Almost 5 months.

Thorned Rose AS: I came to her house one time because I've heard of the rumors. And we just sort of...bonded.

Sunflower AS: Cool.

Ame: Ace, quit your growling!

Ace continued to growl. Then Hougetsu came outside.

Phoenix Moon: Ace...these are our guests. Where are your manners?

Ace stopped growling.

Sunflower AS: Wow. Do you have magic over animals or something, Hougetsu?

Phoenix Moon: The pets only listen to me, since I was the one that saved them.

Sunflower AS: I see.

And so, Hougetsu, Wataru, Hikaru, and Ame went in the house and spent some time together.

And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Thorned Rose AS and Sunflower AS. I'll see you guys in the next story!

Thorned Rose AS And Sunflower AS's BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now