Chapter 01

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The shadows beckoned the thief closer to the estate.  They glanced around, listening for any sound.  They stopped once they spotted it... magpies.  They slowly counted them making sure to get the number right, there were seven.  They then recited part of a natural magic poem in their head.  One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret never to be told.  They stopped once they got to seven, puzzled by what that meant.  Their speciality was reading crows, so magpies seemed to be a challenge.  The reason Kard had never been caught was their connection with natural and chaos magic.  Magpies, crows, and ravens were very reliable sources for weather or not they would make it out of the targeted building, but what did it mean?  A secret never to be told, it didnt sound as though they would be caught, so they started to scale the wall infront of them.  A full moon was illuminating the tall wall, making it easy to look for hand holds, but also making it harder to hide.  Kard climbed as fast and as carefully as possible, whispering to the shadows, asking for their shelter, hoping to get inside before a guard spotted them.  The shadows swirled around them, making Kard look like a moving shadow.  They were successful, already standing atop the wall before the first glow of a torch appeared.  They slid down the wall, pressing their boots and hands against it to slow their fall.  They landed with the softest of thumps, making no more noise than the average housecat.  They moved around the edge of the wall, the shadows greeting them openly.  Quickley they made it to the door, crouching down and pausing.  They glanced around, looking for any bad omens.  There seemed to be none, and they couldn't hear any movement from inside.  They tried the handle, finding the door locked.  So as quietly as possible they opened a small case that had been previously held to their hip by their belt.  They slowly removed the lock pick, sliding it into the lock.  It was a slight challenge to get it into the right position, the lock was putting up the most of a challenge Kard had ever had.  They smirked under the shadow of their hood, loving the challenge.  Finally a small click could be heard.  Kard slowly pushed the door open and slipped inside.  They moved around slowly collecting anything of value and placing it in a bag strapped securely to their back.
     They slowly approached the last door in the manor that they hadn't checked.  They softly pushed the door open, their breath hitched.  This couldn't be, the sight confused them more than anything.  The young prince was in bed with a man.  Kard recognized the man, he had pushed them and called them a street urchin.  Their face flashed anger but only for a moment before they regained their composure.  They slid into the room silently, continuing the search for gold.  Suddenly he heard a quiet gasp.  The thief spun to seen the prince, Akra,  staring right at him.  They quickley bolted towards the door, the prince right behind them.  All they had to do was get outside, they could disappear out there.  They had just got outside the door when the prince managed to get close enough to grab their bag.  They stopped only for a moment before sliding out of the bag.  Before they could run the prince had tackled them, pinning them to the ground.  They both lay there panting for a moment, panting, before the prince started to speak, "Please! Don't tell anyone!".  As their eyes adjusted to the darkness they could now see the prince was crying.  Kard felt slightly sorry for the prince, knowing what harm could befall you for doing what he had done.  However, if he was sleeping with such a man how good could he possibly be.  He silently prayed he could come off as intimidating right now.  "Get off" they said in a growl of a voice.  They silently thanked all of their gods for that.  "Not until you promise you won't tell!" he whined.  "Fine, now get off!" Kard quickly jumped to their feet as soon as Akra's body left theirs.  "You're Chaos arnt you?" Akra asked the short thief in front of them.  "Who?" They asked whilst resecuring their bag to their back.  "The thief no ones caught a glimpse of.  They say there is always a really strong chaos magic surrounding the burgled estates.  So we call him Chaos, you're him, arnt you." The young prince asked.  "Them" was all Kard responded, "what?" "Its them, not him"  they responded.  Akra's confusion quickly morphed to worry.  "I'm so sorry I didn't know!"  Akra practically squealed.  Kard chuckled at the fluster prince.  "Its fine." He adjusted his bag "Well, watch yourself prince, and dont sleep with such dicks" Kard said walking away.  "Wait! Where are we going!" Akra said running after them.  "I am not going anywhere with a half naked prince." Kard responded looking over their shoulder at Akra.  The prince seemed to only just realise he was shirtless.  He chuckled nervously and ran back towards the house "I'll be right back" he called softly.  Kard just chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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