the beginning.

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Visha is a normal non-binary human living in England. She attends Vianias School for girls, set in Manchester (not real). Her friend, Mortala, is a girl that is Visha's one and only for life. She always hangs out with Visha no matter what the case is; even if there's a fire spreading, or at least..

Mortala was hungry, so she shake Visha. A few seconds later, she awoke from her restless slumber, yawning.
"Ugh, what do you want now Mortala?" she groaned.
"Im hungry you idiot, order some maccies" she responded.
"Yea yea okay I get you can't cook, use my card and get some then."
She hands over the card.
"Thanks!" Mortala exlaimed.

Half an hour later, the doorbell rings. 'Ding dong' it went. Mortala rushed to the door, excited.
"Here you go, straight from the fryer!" the worker said.
"Thanks," she responded.
The driver then proceeded to get back on the motorbike and go.

"Well then Visha, come get your maccies if you want some! I have 20 chicken nuggets right in front of me!" Mortala screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Alright then, by the way, your wasting all your energy by screaming stupid," Visha replied.

They both proceed to eat very delicious chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sause.
"Mmm~, so good," Visha exclaimed.
"I know right!"
Soon enough, they were all gone.

"Oh, there's no more left." Tears filled up Mortala's eyes while she said that. "I want more."
"Bestie you know that we're poor, I can't get anymore at the moment otherwise we won't be able to pay the bills!" Visha said, concerned.
"Aight then."

Sooner or later, they were both on their phones just having fun until something gets Mortala's eye.. "What could it be?" she whispered to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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