The Night EVERYTHING happened

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   Setting: After her Aunts almost busted Ada and Bora, Ada went back to Boras
house. And when Ada got into a fight with Bora, she accidentally spilled out that she was married to Ruzgar

     Ada: "You promised you won't leave me! You promised you would love all my bad sides! You said that no harm could come to you, because of me!
    Bora: "That was before I found out you were married.. ADA YOU LIED TO ME! You're married Ada, MARRIED! And you were still with ME for weeks now. DIDN'T you ever feel the need to tell me!? After the multiple times I asked you, you just stayed quiet.
      Bora: "I only asked one thing. JUST ONE THING. For you to never lie. I gave you MULTIPLE chances.... But you lied to me... With your EVERY BREATH. Did I fall in love with you, or with your lies?"

There were now tears streaming down both of their faces, both not knowing they were about to say very harsh things to one another. About to regret each word for the rest of their life....

Ada: "Can you just LISTEN to what I have to say. It's not what it looks like!"
  Bora: "What do you mean it's not what it looks like!? It is exactly what it looks like! I should have known... How you two were so close since the first day.. You could have just been playing me to get him back for all I know.. And never wanting to tell anyone about us either..."
   Ada: "Don't you dare say that! I don't love Ruzgar, Bora I only love you! Bora I'm in love with you-"
   Ada then went to hold his hand, but then he slapped her hand off.
Bora: "So did I Ada... So did I... It's my fault for believing in love, or in you.. Or for ever thinking you were different from everyone else, different from Asli... But you hurt me more than she ever could. So now, if you ever cared about me, I want you to leave me and my family alone"
Ada: "Bora please listen, I can expl-"
Bora: "YOU SAID ENOUGH! You hurt me enough already. I loved you Ada... But how do I know you didn't just join my company for Ruzgar? How do I know you didn't use me to get Ruzgar back, to make him jealous....
    Bora now has tears streaming down his face, wishing, hoping this was all a bad dream..
  Bora: "Meeting you might be the worst decision I've made.."
   When he finished his sentence, a piece broke inside of Ada. A part of her where it could never heal.. This pain was nothing like she experienced before.. But all that pain, for a slight moment turned into anger.
Ada: "I thought you said I was different.. That you loved "Just Ada". Around you I was myself,  more myself than with anyone else.. You taught me how to love myself. And without even letting me explain you care to judge me, even after getting to know what type of a person I am?! I don't need for you to tell me to leave, because I'll leave without an invitation. Unlike you, I won't say that I wish I never met you, because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have gotten the courage to stand up for myself Infront of my family, to love myself.
    Before Ada left through his door she said one last thing. One last goodbye while knowing this might be the last time she ever gets to see him..

Ada: "And they say, the worst people in your life, makes you stronger.. So I'll just leave with a thank you.
   "Thank you for making me believe that I had a chance of happiness, thank you for making me believe that you would be different, that you wouldn't leave me without listening like everyone else did. Thank you for breaking my heart, Bora Dogrusoz"
   Ada then left out the door with tears in her eyes, trying her best to hold them back, to hold the pain back until she fully got outside.. Until she left him.

Immediately after Ada left through the door, he locked his door, and instead of going to his bed, he crashed into the wall. He sat down and let out a big sob, regretting the words he had just said, regretting for letting himself care for anyone, once again. Regretting ever falling in love or thinking he had any chance of real happiness.
   The pain he felt was like no other. The pain that Asli gave him was nothing more than a little scratch then how felt now.
   He knew he should have let her explain, let her tell what really happened.
   But the thought of Ruzgar and Ada being married, of them living in the same apartment, of him knowing her a lot more than he knew her, broke him. Of him being there for her, when he wasn't... Of their romantic, alone moments... Of Ruzgar whispering into her ear, like he does, or him kissing her endlessly....

(Bora doesn't know that nothing happened between Ada and Ruzgar, because he wouldn't let her explain. He just knows that she's married, resulting him to think like this)

He cried, trying to release all the endless pain he felt in his heart.
    The memories of the sparkle in her eyes, her smile, never left his mind.
   The pain he felt is worse than any bullet could ever do to him. The thought of her might have used him, was enough to almost kill him.

With Ada:

When Ada got into the taxi and she sent a message to Selin:"I told him everything, I've never felt this much pain in my life, I'm comit over"   And with that Ada started crying

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When Ada got into the taxi and she sent a message to Selin:
"I told him everything, I've never felt this much pain in my life, I'm comit over"
   And with that Ada started crying. Crying more and more by the minute.
   She could hear his words repeating back to her. Of him saying "I wish I never met you", "you hurt me more than anyone else could".
    His words cut her deep, stabbing her with a gush of pain whenever she remembered his words.
    She couldn't believe why he didn't let her explain.. Of how he could say those words after all they've been through. She knew she would hurt him, she knew he would get angry, but she never thought of this. She never thought he could ever be this cruel to her.
   As she arrived to Selins place one thought remind in Adas and Boras head:
  "I may never forgive myself for hurting you, or for loving you. My biggest regret will be to not run after you, to tell you to stay, to say I still love you. But after today, I'll change thanks to you. I'll become a shadow of myself. The only part of myself who felt the need to leave you. Because in a life without you, means a life without my true self. Only living in a shadow of pain and regret".
   And the next chapters will be time skip into one year!

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