Chapter 1: The Quidditch World Cup

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AN I changed Taylor's name to Jason because I wanted to

Athena's P.O.V.

It was the day of the quidditch world cup me mom and dad and my baby sister Jessica were going to meet the Potters, Weasleys, the Lupins and the other Blacks. My mom told me I am a seer. Me, my mom and dad and Jessica apperated to the apparation point at the world cup and walked to our tent. Where my cousin Jason and his parents were already there. we got into our tent and my head started to hurt then I blacked out and went into a vision where death eaters were in it and it was after the world cup.

Then I came around and mom said what happened sweetheart. I said there is going to be a death eater attack tonight after the match. Mom and dad looked at each other then to Aunt Marissa and Uncle Regulus. Sirius and Marissa said at the end of the match you Lily and James appearate out of here I am not going to lose you guys again. The Potters got into the tent then and I ran and hugged them and said I have to tell you guys something but I need to tell everyone that we came here with. I sent a portunus charm to the Weasleys and Lupins and said come to the Blacks tent immediately its important. 

My aunt and uncle Lupin came followed by my aunt and uncle Weasley and the others. They all sat down and I told them that over the summer I learnt that I was a seer and that I just had a vision of that night about death eaters all the adults looked at lily, James, Christine and Regulus. They said all at once that those four are to apperate to either Potter manor or the noble House of Black. I said I'm going to lay down until the match after I send a portunus to Professor Dumbledore and let him know what I saw. Okay I love you guys and hugged everyone and kissed Harry on the cheek.

Harry said I will wake you up before we head to the match love. I went into a room and sat down and sent a portunus to my headmaster to tell him about the attack. His phoenix portunus came back and said in Dumbledore's voice okay I will be around the cup invisible okay Miss Black now get some rest. I nodded my head then fell asleep. A couple hours later Harry came in and said love we are leaving to go to the  game in a half hour.

I thought you would want to freshen up before the match and I got you something love. I said okay I'm up I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and said holy crap I look like I got hit by a hippogriff. I went into the room and grabbed my hair brush and make-up and freshened up and stepped out and said much better. Everyone said hey Tina I said hey guys. Dad said okay let's go everybody.

Harry's P.O.V

clutching our purchases with Mr. Weasley leading our huge group we all huddled into the wood, following the lantern- lit trail. We could hear the thousands of people moving around us, shouts and laughter, snatches of singing. The atmosphere of feverish excitement was highly infectious; I couldn't stop grinning. we walked through the wood for twenty minutes, talking and joking loudly, until at last we got to the other side, and we found ourselves in the shadow of a gigantic stadium. Though we could see only a fraction of immense gold walls surrounding the pitch.

I could tell that ten cathedrals would fit in here Mr. Weasley and Sirius said seats a hundred thousand. We headed to the nearest entrance which was already swarmed with witches and wizards. Prime seats! said the ministry witch at the entrance, when she checked our tickets. top box! straight upstairs Arthur and as high as you can go.

The stairs were carpeted in rich purple. Our group followed the other witches and wizards with some of them going left and some of them going right through the doors. We got to the stairs and clambered up them. A little bit after that we got to our seats and the seating plan went the Weasley family, then the first set of Blacks which consisted of  Athena,Christine, Sirius and Jessica then it was Regulus, Marissa and Jason then it was. Harry, James and Lily lastly Remus, Emerald, Amber and Jeanette then Ron said how high are we dad.

Then Draco said put it this way if it rains you'll be the first to know. Ron said obviously and rolled his eyes playing along with Draco. Athena said go sit down by Uncle Lucius Draco, being the "peacekeeper". Draco said make me Athena. Athena used wind to push Draco up to his father.

She smirked and Draco looked terrified with a small smile on his face.
I said good job playing along with him guys quietly. The adults all knew what was happening the kids told them everything when they all got home. The adults all laughed at the little show the kids were doing Narcissa came down and said Sirius, Regulus, Emerald and Molly please tell me what is going on Draco has been happier this summer. Athena walked up to Narcissa and said meet us by our tent we will tell you everything after the match.

Narcissa asked I take it what is going on was your idea Athena. Athena said no actually it was all Draco's idea Aunt Narcissa. Narcissa said okay.  Athena said you can bring Draco along as well but only you two I don't want Lucius to know what i'm going to tell you guys. Narcissa said you didn't put uncle in front of his name. Athena said I will explain why later.

Then Athena quickly hugged her aunt and said go before Lucius sees you talking to me. Narcissa gave her a quick hug and walked up to where Lucius and Draco were with a fake sneer on her face. The others laughed at it and Narcissa's mouth turned up a little like she was smiling. Ludo Bagman pointed his wand at his throat and said sonorus then followed by saying welcome welcome Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the final of four hundred and twenty- second Quidditch world cup. The crowd cheered and clapped , thousands of flags started being waved around.

The sign now said BULGARIA: ZERO, IRELAND: ZERO. Now without further ado, allow me to introduce... The Bulgarian Team Mascots. Mr. Weasley said I wonder what they brought. He looked and said ahh Veela. Christine, Amber, Emerald and  Athena said oh god please tell us they didn't. I asked why not. 

Athena said we are veela and when they do their dance it will make our hair turn Blonde and guys will try and do anything to capture our attention.

I said really. The girls all nodded their heads. How come you're charms don't work on me Athena said because you can see past the charm.They started dancing and all of a sudden the girls started glowing. we all heard them groan and say why.

Guys in the box were watching them like they were their slaves or something. The veelas stopped dancing and the girls were slowly back to normal.

Then Ludo said now Ireland's Team Mascots Leprechauns started dancing around the stadium throwing gold at people. Athena said its not real gold coins they will disappear when school starts. everyone stopped trying to collect it.

Bagman said now let me introduce you to the Bulgarian team Dimitrov!, Ivanova!, Zograf!, Levski!, Vulchanov!, Volkov! Aaaaaaaaand- Krum. Then Bagman said now please welcome the Irish National team Connolly!, Ryan!, Troy! Mullet!, Moran!, Quigley! Aaaaaaaand Lynch! Then Bagman said and here all the way from Eygpt, our refree Hassan Mostfa! Bagman continued commenting throughout the game.

~time skip~

The crowd gasped as they saw Lynch and Krum dive down and Athena and Hermione said they're going to crash. Ron said no he isn't. I said Lynch is and Harry was right the second time in the game Lynch crashed. Charlie said where's the snitch I said Krum's got it its all over. The scoreboard was flashing. BULGARIA: 160 IRELAND :170 . Bagman shouted Ireland win. Krum gets the snitch - but Ireland win- good lord no one exepected that.

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