The Ice queen Part 1

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Izuku finally made it to his apartment complex. This day has been a roller coaster. From having his dreams crushed by All might then being saved by All might and being told his dreams can become a reality by All might, safe to say this was no ordinary day.

Has he finally makes it to his door he notices boxes on the bottom level leading all the way across to his apartment. Not thinking much of this he goes inside his house. "Mom!" Izuku called out only to be met with the familiar silence.

He sighs as he changes into some more comfortable clothes, a white shirt, some blue shorts, and slippers. And just as he was about to sit down and relax for the day he heard a thud hit his door.

Either someone fell and hit his door or there's a person out there that only knocks ones, Either way, he went to answer the door. And what he saw he did not expect.

On the floor, there was a beautiful woman holding a box of what used to contain her clothes. Articles of clothing were everywhere in the hall, it looked as if there was an explosion of clothes. Izuku's eyes however were glued to a certain article of clothing. "S-sorry, I was trying to carry everything at once and tripped." The woman said to him but noticed Izuku wasn't even looking at her.

Looking at what he was fixated on she nearly died of embarrassment. Her pink underwear was on the floor for all to see. Not wanting to become an exhibitionist, she grabs them at Mach speed and quickly puts them in her pocket. Snapping Izuku out of his thought he quickly apologized. "S-sorry! Sorry! Sorry!" He said over a billion times. "W-well that's one way t-to break the ice." The woman said trying to make light of the situation as she got up from the ground.

"My name is Rei Himura." The woman told him. "Uh, oh! Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said awkwardly. "Well, I guess we're gonna be neighbors." She said. Izuku nodded as they stood in awkward silence for a moment.

"D-do you need help?" Izuku asked. "Oh, no thank you. I got it." Rei said picking up her clothes. "You sure? It's no problem for me." Izuku told her as he saw some boxes downstairs. "Don't worry about me, I'm very independent." She said raising one arm to flex her muscle which she didn't have much of, but it was still very cute.

"O-okay." Izuku said shyly as he went back into his house.

Inside his house, Izuku was mad at himself. "O-okay? Realy? That's the best we could do? I should have been more persistent. Her underwear made me weak." Izuku said to himself.Just before he could continue his rant, another thud was heard but this sounded a little heavier than the last one. Opening the door he sees Rei on the floor with a box over her head and a bunch of books on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Izuku asked worriedly as he bent down and took the box off her head. "I-is it too late to ask for help?" Rei said shyly which intensified her cuteness.

Izuku's face become so red you'd think he was a stoplight. "O-of course not." He said as he started helping her pick up her books. He then helped her carrying the boxes from downstairs while trying not to have a heart attack from being near a girl. While helping her, neither talked much. Either because they had nothing to say or they just didn't know how to break the silence.

Taking the last box, Izuku followed Rei as they made their way upstairs. Having Rei walk in front of him gave him the perfect view. 'Stay strong Izuku, think of anything else.' He thought to himself as he tried to pay attention to anything else.

Her outfit for example. She was wearing a blue dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, white vans, and light blue jeans. 'Her pants are really hugging her- No, no, no, something else.' She had beautiful white hair, a lovely pair of grey eyes, a body shaped like a- 'Don't think like that!' Izuku thought as he puts the last box down by the other boxes in her apartment. 

"O-okay, that's the last one. S-so I'll be going t-then." He said as he started to walk away. "wait!" Rei said grabbing something from her purse. "Here!" She said smiling while holding out some money. Izuku was a bit confused by this. "Why are you giving me money?" He asked.

"For helping me." She said to him. "You don't have to pay me." Izuku told her. "I-it's a hero's job t-to h-help without expecting anything." He said slightly embarrassed that he's saying something so cliche. Rei was a little surprised by this. "Well...thank you. Somebody I know should be more like you." She said smiling softly.

Izuku was in awe at her beautiful smile. They both stare at each other for about 41 seconds before Izuku realizes it "B-bye, Miss Himura." Izuku said speed walking out of the apartment trying to not die of embarrassment.

"Call me Rei." She told him. "O-o-okay, R-r-rei." Izuku studdered as he quickly walked into his house and closed the door.

Rei smiled at his antics. 'What an interesting young man.' She thought to herself as she started to unpack. Meanwhile, Izuku was leaning against his door trying not to have a heart attack.

"She told me to call her by her first name already, I've only known her like half an hour. Okay, stay calm. Stay calm! It's just a name it's not a big deal. I'm sure beautiful women tell people to call them by their first name. It's fine." Izuku said to himself trying to calm his nerves.Relaxing a bit he goes and sits on the couch to unwind. He sat there not doing anything for a few moments.

"...I never told her she could call me by my first name." Izuku groaned to himself in annoyance.

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