10,000 Hours

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Izuna looked at you who was sitting next to him on top of a cliff, whom is looking at the clear, night sky decorated with stars forming little constellations around the moon lighting up the sky, as a gentle breeze surrounded them. Resting your eyes as you take time to relax you smile softly. Smiling among himself, izuna looked at the sky counting the many constellations he saw. Feeling as if someone was looking at him, he looked to the side to see you looking at him, his large, lumionus dark eyes meeting your brilliant and fierce e/c eyes. Cocking one of his eyebrows in a teasingly way, ready to mess with you, "Look I know I am handsome, but I didn't know I was THAT handsome for you to look at me like that" with a smirk forming on his lips as you looked away with a light pink tint making its way to your cheeks, you shake your head in denial, "Pfft, you wish Izu." Before smiling innocently at him, "Oh my heart" he then dramatically said while placing his hand over his heart as if it was hurting, "oh... my heart" making them both laugh, "Please with that ego of yours, it would take more than that to make it go down" you remarked as glared at him. Shaking his head while pushing back some of his bangs, "Eh, not really" raising a brow your self, you tried to figure out what he meant by that, "What do you mean Izuna? I could never have a such high self esteem and confidence level like you, that's something I envy you for. Your never afraid to speak your mind or say something when anyone speaks badly about your brother and/ or says otherwise on what he says, your confident in your skills..." You slowly came  to a end to your sentence, while thinking some more. The ravenette smiling softly at your words and a small shrug of his shoulders, with a small "Sorry" muttered out as he looked back at you. Both looking back at the sky as you let out a small yawn, and making yourself comfortable, it didn't take too long till you fell asleep. With the sudden weight on izuna's shoulder, he turned his head slightly to see your head resting on it. Shaking his head he adjusted you to where you were more comfortable and now in his lap. Looking at the night sky as a shooting star went by he closed his eyes to make a wish, before, opening them and looking down at you. "I wouldn't mind spending more time like this" he thought while pushing your bangs back.

"Hopefully you can trust me with that heart of yours, even if I have to spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 hours more just to learn that sweet heart of yours, And I might not get there, but I'm gonna try, If it's 10,000 hours or the rest of my life, I'm gonna love you"

He muttered quietly, not wanting to wake you. Bring himself to lightly peck your forehead, before getting up and carefully picking you up as he walked you back to your house for the night to get some rest.....


uvhihaizu here, well my first official post on this acc. Hopefully y'all found this as cute as I did when I first wrote it out, I wont keep you here for long, but I'll try finding a posting schedule of some sort, I already have like 5 other oneshots I can share with y'all, so look forward to those

Don't be one of those people who steals others works and claim as yours, because I by all means have proof of it being my og idea, and yeah your welcome for reminding you your single

(Don't worry I reminded myself too

But look forward for more and I look forward to your opinions and any requests ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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