The Night Of: I can't remember (whoops)

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I can't remember exactly when I had this dream because I forgot to write it down, but I still remember what happened in it because it was  f r e a k y

So, my cousins were visiting my house, and one of them, we'll call her A, was sleeping in my room with me. We stayed up super late, reading out of this new book I got. It was all about how to ward off evil spirits, ghosts, demons, etc., and what to do if you knew one was close by. We had just finished reading it when I heard something hit the floor just down the hall. We both freeze, and I say, very stupidly, "i'M gOnNa gO SeE wHaT iT iS."

A is like, "No, don't go! Just stay in here, we'll be fine."

And I'm like, "No, it's ok, I'll just follow what the book says. I'll move very carefully and softly, and if I see even the slightest thing indicating a ghost or demon, I'll slowly make my way back into the room. Ok?"

"I guess... "

So I go leave my room. Keep in mind, my room is in the basement, so other than A, everyone else sleeps upstairs, and the door to go upstairs is on the other side of the basement, so I basically have no way of contacting anyone.

Anyways, I basically do the opposite of what I tell A (Wow, I really am the dumb blonde in a horror movie in this dream 😑). I don't move carefully, or softly, or slowly, and just casually walk across the basement. I'm almost to the basement door when I hear a sound behind me. Being stupid, I whip around to see what it is. I see a long shadow stretched out across the basement floor. I follow it with my eyes, and the end of the shadow leads to a little demon thing literally right next to me. I gasp and blink, and the little demon disappears, but the shadow is still there.

That's about the point I decided I'd had enough, and I forced myself to wake up.

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