💖Ali x self harming reader

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Ali x self harming reader

👁️👄👁️oh my, I've never been really good at this kind of stuff, depression, suicidal and self-harming

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👁️👄👁️oh my, I've never been really good at this kind of stuff, depression, suicidal and self-harming

I'll try my best tho!! Believe it!!🤧👍

Request by: @_i_dont_have_think_

Y/n: your name
Your P.O.V

(Wait also Ali has a girlfriend and a child in the movie, so we're gonna pretend that airplane in the night sky's are shooting stars- JKJKJK- anyway as I was saying, were just gonna pretend that Ali has a sister and her child)


I open my eyes and saw people wearing blue suits (this is already cringe-) each of them has a number on their back, I sit up and look around, besides me I saw a man and an old man, the man had the number 456 and the old man has 001

I get out of the bed I was laying on and walk towards them, I tap on 456 shoulder "hey uh...do you know where we are?" I ask him, the man shook his head "no" he said, I just nodded and look around "uh my name is Jeong Gi-hun" he said "l/n y/n" I said

"Nice to meet you y/n" Gi-hun said "you too" I said, I went back to the bed I woke up in and sat down, I put my hands on my face

I hiss in pain when I felt my cheek hurts, must've been from the man that slap me, ah yes, I played a game with a man at the park, each time I lose he gets to slap my face, now I remember

He gave me a card saying if I wanted to ever play games to win money then I should call the people that has their phone number on the card, after I called I remember getting in a black car after telling the password green light red light I think, then somke game into the car and I pass out

Ah that makes sense why I'm here now, I lift my sleeve up a little, looking at the cuts I made on my arm, I felt a tap on my shoulder "y-y/n" I hear a familiar voice say, I turn around and saw an old friend of mine "Ali?!" I said

Ali smiled at me "hey!" He said, I have him a hug then pulled away "how are you? It's been a while huh?" I said "yeah surely has been and uh I'm good now, now that I saw you" Ali said shyly, while looking down at his fingers (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

I smiled at him, me and Ali have been friends for awhile, we always hang out till my depression, my little brother is very sick, and I don't have Enough money to pay for the bills and his surgery, my parents are dead and my sister is also dead

"Uh, y/n your arm.." Ali said looking at my arm with an sad and worry expression "oh- don't worry about it" I said coving my arm, "y/n...did you do that to your arm..?" Ali ask, I didn't say anything, I don't even want to say anything, seeing how sad and worry ali is for me, makes me feel bad

Ali is so cheerful, kind and cute, seeing him sad makes me feel bad, it's horrible for me to see a happy person sad because of me, I hate it, I feel so guilty, and feeling guilty makes me feel bad, terrible bad...

"I'm sorry Ali" I said on the verge of tears "it's okay!! Uh- what's going on exactly? Maybe I can help.." Ali said holding my hand I sigh and nodded my head, I then started telling him about my life story

When I was done telling him Ali look at the ground for about a minute then look me "I'll help! I'll help you with your brother and the bills" Ali said with determine eyes

My eyes widen "huh!? What?..why would you..? Don't you have to help your sister and her kid?" I ask "ah yes I forgot about that....darn that's the whole reason why I came here" Ali said scratching the back of his neck "ah whatever I I'll my family and yours!" Ali said "uh how are you gonna do that exactly?.." I ask..."the Money, when I win the money then me, you, my sister, and her kid and your brother can live together, I can pay for your brothers surgery! And your bills, then I can't help my sister and nephew" Ali said

I smiled, Ali grab my hand then kiss it "I promise!" Ali said I blush then wipe the tears off my face "thank you" I said Ali smiled then hug me

I hug him back "gosh I don't deserve you.." I said "well you've got me, whether you deserve me or not" Ali said as he kiss my cheek

Did I do good? I'm not the best at this stuff 🤧🤧

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