💖Square Guard x Reader

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Square Guard x Reader

Omg, I just remembered I don't know how to write romance 👁️💧👄💧👁️

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Omg, I just remembered I don't know how to write romance 👁️💧👄💧👁️

Wish me luck👁️💧👄💧👁️

Request by Theclownhomie

Y/n: your name

I sigh then walk towards the door, "hey uhh guard man umm I need to go to the bathroom" I said the guard that has a square sign on his mask just ignore me "hello..?" I said


"Ugh, this bitch.." I mumbled "hey, hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey, hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey, hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey" I repeat while taping ok the door the guard man groan then open the door "make it fast!" He said as he walk away, I followed him, we walk down a hall then stop at a door that said restroom "ooh nice, thanks dude" I said as I walk in, after I did my business I wash my hands and look at myself in the mirror

"I'm cute" I mumbled to myself the chuckled I'm pretty sure that's the same guard that I ask out (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

*Flash back*

"Red light" the big ass doll said, I stop then look to my left, I saw the man that has a square sign on his mask "damn, look at square man looking good as fuck, hey square wanna go out sometime? After this? After I win this?" I said looking at him, he look ate then cough and look away, looking at the ground while kinda kicking the sand little "he's gonna go out with me" I said towards sang woo

(Fucking auto correct! Sorry I meant to put at instead of ate)

Sang woo look at me like I was crazy then look away rolling his eyes, I heard some gun shots and look back at square, he has blood in his mask, he's was also looking at me. 💖( ͡° ³ ͡°)

When I caught him looking ate he quickly look down at the ground, triangle look at him then me I heard him sigh then he shook his head

*Flash back ended*

Yep definitely him, he still has that blood on his mask, I then left my shirt up and saw the burse on my side, and some blood, I have no ideas where it came from but anyway I took off my shirt and grab a paper towel, I then put the paper towel in the water then started shipping the blood off my side

I hear a knock on the door "hurry up!" I hear him say "hang on" I said hissing in pain as my side hurts cuz of the bruise, I then hear another knock and him telling me that if I don't hurry then he's gonna barge in here "ugh you man, can't you just wait?" I mumbled as I threw the paper towel in the trash

I then started adjusting my (bra or hair if your a man, or pants idk) I then hear the door being slam open and saw the mask man walk in, he saw me and froze


We just stand there looking at each other, now I'm not sure if he is or isn't but I'm pretty sure this guy is checking me out, I mean...who wouldn't, half of me is like uncomfy but also like..is okay with this

I hear the man gulp and hesitantly look away "I don't get paid enough for this" I hear him mumbled "uh..s-sorry.." I hear him say as he lowers his gun to where his waist is hiding his...oh👁️👄👁️ the tent in his pants, if you know what I mean

He walk out of the bathroom while closing the door behind him


Ok guapoI I see how it is, I put my shirt back on and walk out of the bathroom, "alright I'm done let's go" I said, the square mask man nodded then walk ahead of me, when we got to the cell room thing (idk I can't remember 👁️👄👁️) he open the th...

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Ok guapoI I see how it is, I put my shirt back on and walk out of the bathroom, "alright I'm done let's go" I said, the square mask man nodded then walk ahead of me, when we got to the cell room thing (idk I can't remember 👁️👄👁️) he open the thing "alright bye hot Papito" I said as I walk in the room..thing "bye mamá caliente" I hear him say as he shot the door, I started choking on air

(My bad yall, its shut not shot :0)


I decided to make you a flirty but also joking around type of person, kinda like me

guapoI: hottie

Papito: daddy👁️👄👁️😃(don't ask why- I thought it was funny at first-)

mamá caliente: hot mommy (I also thought this was funny-)

Clearly these are weird, sorry! Forgive me..

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