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Please note that this book will contain themes such as strong language, yanderes, violence and gore. If any of these things trigger you please don't read this.

For the best experience please read on dark mode and use headphones when you see the headphone emoji.


The Kingdom of Othon is full of corruption and greed, where the rich stay rich and the poor get poorer. Many nobles in charge of regulating taxes, tax the commoners highly inorder to pay for their lavish lifestyles and elaborate parties. Many commoners were forced to turn to crime in order to keep their families full and a roof over their heads. However even the money they would make from their various deviant acts would not be enough to pay for their taxes and commoner families would be thrust into cold, damp prisons where they would be considered lucky to be given a stale piece of bread once a week.

This story takes place in the Earldom of Duletet where a young Earl Orion Duletet, at the ripe age of 22, spends his days in his manor surrounded by beautiful women of all ranks and throwing lavish parties. He has little care for the people in his Earldom who are left to starve and rot in the streets. He mainly focuses on how many women he can bed, or how many noble girls he can seduce. However, he has been dubbed "The Sadistic Star" by his fellow noblemen as he is quick to use violence when things don't go his way, making many fear him. Very few dare to oppose him. It is rumoured that at the age of 18 a chef cooked his steak the wrong way so Earl Orion had him 'punished' and the chef was never seen again.


In the streets of The Duletet Earldom (hereby Duletet for short) there is a pub in the corner of an obscure street called the broken carriage. It's popular with the commoners for its cheap alcohol, good food and sense of normality. Hardly any drunken fights break out there as there as many are afraid of the silent bar keep. No one is sure as to where he came from but his large scars that stretch across his large arms and eye patch keep anyone guessing. In addition to that there is a beautiful bar maid, who can make even the most loyal man forget about his wife, who makes it clear she absolutely hates violence so many of the patrons make sure to stay out of any fights so they can remain on her good side.

What many are unaware of is the fact the bar is a front for the countries most deadly Assassins Guild, The Bleeding Black Roses. The guild is infamous for taking on any target for the right price and killing their victims in the most brutal way and leaving a black rose in their victims blood. It doesnt matter what your social standing is, as long as the price is right The Bleeding Black Rose will find it's way to you.


The horse carriage struggled to drive safely through the sticky muddy road of Duletet that was caused by the heavy rain. The driver whipped the horse in an attempt to make it go faster so the carriage wheel wouldn't get stuck. The young girl at the side of the busy road  sighed. There was no way she was going to be able to hail a carriage in this rain, let alone this traffic. The h/c girl pulled her cloaks hood over her head to protect her hair from the rain. It's not as if she cared about getting her hair wet, but Whinnie would cause a fit about her possibly catching a cold that would render her useless and Y/n's boss would definitely not be happy with her not being able to work.

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