💖sang woo x reader

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Sang Woo x reader

👁️👄👁️He is cute, but I will never forgive him of what he did to Ali👁️💧👄💧👁️

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👁️👄👁️He is cute, but I will never forgive him of what he did to Ali

Y/n: your name




"Y/n hurry up and choose" sang woo said "shut up man I'm trying to figure which one I want, I want the star because I'm a star✨ but I also want the umbrella cuz of Rhianna" I said biting my finger nail

"Oh my god I swear to God, just choose the star" dang woo said " aw dose the hot ass doctor think I'm a star? How cute" y/n says sang woo blush "uh- well- NO- I mean...just shut up and get the star idiot" sang woo says flustered

He looks away while adjusting his glasses, "where do you even get the confidence from" sang woo said


"WHAT!?" Sang woo said blushing like a mad man, y/n started laughing like a spray bottle "I'm joking chill" I said whipping my tears


After y/n was done with that y/n walk back into the room thing and saw sang woo

"Sang woo!" Y/n said walking towards him "y/n, I see that your already done with the honeycomb game" sang woo said as he leans on the black metal things that hold the beds "believe it!!" Y/n said putting her hands on her hips "hn women" sang woo mumbled

"Hn men" y/n said while picking the sand off under my finger nails, sang woo chuckled "go back to where you belong women, in the kitchen" sang woo said

"This is why women live longer, cuz they know where the knifes are" y/n said

"Wow dark" someone says "Shut up and go back to the kitchen women" sang woo says

This is war🤺🤺🤺🤺

"Should you be in the kitchen?" Sang woo ask "shouldn't you be in war?" Y/n ask crossing her arms "Shut up and go back to the kitchen women" sang woo said "then go get a job and build me a kitchen" y/n said

"What's going on here? Am I interrupting something?" Gi-hun says look at sang woo and y/n back and forth

"Gi-hun my boy you survived!!!" Y/n said hugging Gi-hun, Gi-hun hug her back "yeah, too alot of licks but I made it out" Gi-hun said "oh? Licks you say?" Y/n said "don't get any dirty thoughts y/n" Gi-hun said, y/n pulls away from the hug and gasp dramatically "Gi-hun! As if I would ever" y/n said but then smiled "you know me too well" y/n says "were you guys friends before this?" Ali ask "yeah me, sang woo and y/n" Gi-hun says

"Yuh, I would always get myself and them in trouble, I would prank people and have sang woo and Gi-hun help me with them, hehe we even stole hentai from a store before" y/n says "ahh y/n you said we would never talk about that!!" Gi-hun said "oops" y/n says shrugging her shoulders "y/n is quite the perv here" sang woo says

"Can you blame me tho?" Y/n says "it's not my fault I caught people having se-"

"WaHHh y/n shut up" Gi-hun says "uh- but"

"Shut up, you an embarrassment women" sang woo says "y-yeah..shut up and...go back tot eh kitchen...women.." Gi-hun says

"Y'all guys still say that to women? Especially when they read or watch crime documentaries? Y'all crazy" Ali says

"Damn right they are" I said

Timeskip again brought to you by hola minol

It was about time for us to rest, or go to bed idk, I was sitting on my bed while humming a song

"Y/n" sang woo said as he sat down on y/n bed "hey hot doc" y/n mumbled sang woo smiled "listen...I know this is sudden but.." sang look around then look at y/n "I..well.er..um." sang woo started stuttering and mumbling stuff

"Spit if out sang woo" y/n said "ugh, this is hard for me! Okay?" Sang woo says y/n chuckled "sang woo hurry up and say what you were gonna say" y/n says sang woo mumbled

"Ugh y/n we've known each other for years now..uh maybe..after this when I or you win the prize...we could..i.ugh" sang woo started mumbling stuff again

This man I swear- "y/n I like you" sang woo says


"What?" Y/n says "..I...like...you?" Sang woo said "...I like myself too" y/n says "..."

"Snag woo.." y/n says


"I love you bitch, I ain't ever gonna stop loving you" y/n sing sang woo smiled "y/n sat up from her bed, so did sang woo

She then kiss him "I love you too" sang woo says "next time say I love you instead of I like you" y/n says "will do" sang woo says

Sang woo kiss y/n, y/n kiss back then they started making out, sang woo was on top of y/n while y/n had her arms warp around his neck, y/n then started running her knee on sang woo crotch sang woo moaned a lott then gasp "wait y/n we shouldn't be doing this- we are literally in public-"

"I don't see anyone watching" y/n says looking around, it seemed that the people were just doing their own little thing "besides at least they get to watch free porn" y/n says "shut up" sang woo said as he laid down besides her

"Hm love you goof ball" y/n says "don't call me that and love you too" sang woo says as he warps his arms around her waist


👁️👄👁️📸 Caught you mf in 4k for simping for this man

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