🔥sang woo x reader

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Request by: @PaulMcCartney_luvr76Again 👁️💧👄💧👁️There's gonna be like🔥 spicy stuff (why? Cuz I'm bored as hell)Dom reader

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Request by: @PaulMcCartney_luvr76
Again 👁️💧👄💧👁️
There's gonna be like🔥 spicy stuff (why? Cuz I'm bored as hell)
Dom reader

Request by: @PaulMcCartney_luvr76Again 👁️💧👄💧👁️There's gonna be like🔥 spicy stuff (why? Cuz I'm bored as hell)Dom reader

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Vibe with me


Um I couldn't really think of a good plot, so I got some suggestions from my little plot book, it's where I come up with random romance story's and write them down, and trust me👁️👄👁️ that thing only has 3 stories on it, they all dumb


I also decided to make this reader. Male cuz...why not?

Also there may be auto correct and misspelling words, just ignore that



Y/n sigh as he ate his ramen chicken while listening to 'Love Nwantiti' by Ckay

He got in an argument with his dad, y/n is a straight A student but today he got a C

When he showed his report card to his parents his dad started lecturing him and when y/n argue back his dad punch him, which is why he now has a black eye

His mom started yelling at his dad and then they started arguing, y/n decided to leave the house, and so..here he is listening to music and eating ramen

He felt a tap on his shoulder, he look behind him and saw sang woo "oh sang woo hey how you doing?" Y/n says as sang wok takes a sir besides y/n "nothing much, I decided to go from a walk and saw you here" sang wok explain "yeah...I got into an argument with my dad again" y/n said

"Yeah I can see that" sang wok says point at y/n black eye, he then pulled out a ice pack "got you an ice pack..to help you with the black eye" sang woo says handing the ice pack to y/n

"Thanks" y/n says taking it, "Soo..how's your mom doing? I heard she spring her ankle the other day" y/n ask putting the ice pack on his bruise eye "she's doing fine now, she keeps walking around even tho I told her she needs to rest" sang woo mumbled "ha she is a stubborn women after all" y/n said as he chuckled

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