August 21st,

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Yes, her name is Jiwan, standing at 169cm tall, a cute, petite, jolly kind of girl. But today was different. She was filled with nervousness. Sitting beside a hundred of applicants who wanted to be casted in an upcoming Korean Television Series, based on a popular webtoon of the same name.

Her name was called. Agitated, she took a deep breath and stand up, ready to face whatever challenges they will put her up to. She went inside, introduce her name, played the part. The moment she finishes the line. The Director said..

PD: We have a different character we would like you to portray, would you like to try?
Jiwan: Huh?
PD: you can take all the time you want and comeback whenever you’re ready.

A little bit confused, Jiwan took the paper and went somewhere quiet, she sits and read the paper. She knew exactly what kind of role was given to her, she felt that familiar warmth of the character given to her. As if it was almost her at some point. It took her 15mins to  liven up the role.

She was ecstatic. She was accepted. She got the role. She felt like the happiest person on earth. She wasn’t even bothered by the fact that she auditioned for a different role. As long as she was she was given an opportunity to partake, that is what will matter to her.

Exhilarated, she broke the news to her family and close friends. She gave them a crumbs of the role she got and she received all the love and support she deserve. She was—delighted indeed.

First day of script reading. Jiwan is filled with anxiousness as she met one by one the cast and crew of the Series. Later on, she learned  that she was the youngest and most of the cast are of the same age. Nevertheless she feels ecstatic and honored. After the script reading, a tall, elegant looking lady approached her. It was Sol, an actress/model from a big company. Her supposed partner in the series.

Sol: Hi, Jiwan-ah. So, you’re gonna be Seo-ah right?
Jiwan: Yes, Nice to meet you (bowed)
Sol: No need to be formal.
Jiwan: oh, okay. You did great earlier Yoon Sol, Really (gives her two thumbs up) .. I was very nervous earlier that I kept on trembling
Sol: haha, Just call me Sol, and we would be working a lot by now, so you should be comfortable with me, okay?
Jiwan: got it!
Sol: and oh, you did great earlier by the way. Keep on doing that.  Just do what you’re doing and you’ll be just fine
Jiwan: oh, Yes.. thanks a lot!
Sol: ah, give me your number,  let’s catch up sometimes. I also really wanna learn my role very well. So if it’s okay with you, I really wanna spend time with you to get to know you so when we do the role it’s gonna be easy for us to portray two best friends, I want the outcome to be natural. Am I right?
Jiwan: wow! You’re a genius! I love that idea, I couldn’t wait

Jiwan gave her number. Jiwan was stunned by the beauty of Sol, she isn’t just a pretty face but also intellectual. Her words of encouragement gave her strength to do well.

In order to do well, they met outside of filming and talked a lot. They shared concerns and grew closer. It was also helpful not only for Jiwan but also Sol’s.
They got used to taking care of each other as they learn their characters, they also grew to love the characters they portray. Sol on the other hand seems to take care of Jiwan, even off set. She oftens brought her hot choco or strawberry milk and some breakfast whenever Jiwan hadn’t had hers, because they’re filming early. The Cast and staff on Set are all very friendly and seems to tease Sol and Jiwan for livening up the characters they portray even off set. It made Jiwan enjoyed her work on set, as Sol lovingly took care of her and she too reciprocates Sol’s actions.

They often went out on casual dates, like one time they went out to eat Matcha Ice cream while wearing Green sweatshirt that Jiwan posted on her Social Media account, but only uploaded a picture of her alone. She also uploaded a picture of her back with a sneak peak of someone holding her hand. Some of the photos she had uploaded on her SNS are taken by Sol. She just didn’t tagged Sol on the picture to not stir controversy. They often does that even on set, Sol taking picture of Jiwan and vice versa. Being each other’s photographer tightens the bond between them, as if they trusted each other so much that whatever the other one took (photo), it’ll come great.

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