Part 1

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"I can't fucking stand him!" You grunt before slamming the shot glass on the table, your best friend jumping at the sound of the glass hitting the wood. Your throat now burns from the hot liquid, making your eyes teary.

"I don't know y/n, maybe it is a coincidence..." Hoseok whispers, shrugging before taking his shot, cringing at the taste of tequila.

"You don't understand, Hobi. He made the sitting list!" you throw your hands up in the air as you roll your eyes exasperated. "It's obvious he did this on purpose! He placed us far away from each other! And then had the audacity to put me next to him!?" You are now screaming, the whole bar turning to look at you and your best friend with questioning eyes. Hoseok sighs as he rubs your back in hopes of comforting you.

"At least our boss is going to be at the same table. He wouldn't provoke you in front of him, would he?" He asks in a quiet voice, not sure how to help you in this situation.

"I don't know, I hope not." you sigh defeated, placing your elbows on the table and resting your head between your hands, rubbing your temples with your fingers.

"Plus, you only have to be next to each other for a few hours. It can't be that bad." Hoseok tries to cheer you up, smiling as he takes one of your hands and interlocks your fingers together, your cheek now resting against your hand as you stare at your interlocked fingers, playing with his rings. "We can always change seats if you are too uncomfortable." He proposes.

"No, it's fine." You take a deep breath before looking into your best friend's eyes. "I'll survive. As you said, it can't be that bad, right?" you smile back at your friend who is now nodding at you. You exchange a quiet intimate moment together, silently thanking him for being so kind to you.

"That's my girl, you got this." He taps your shoulder a few times, encouraging you with a smile that makes you giggle, you truly don't know what you would do without him.

You met almost a year ago during work orientation, ending up on the same training team and becoming fairly close right after you both made it through the orientation round and got your jobs. You were lucky enough to have him placed on the same editorial team as you once you started working in the company, his desk right next to yours which made working a blast.

You always dreamed of working for a good editorial, and you feel beyond lucky to be where you are. You love your job and get along with everyone. Well, almost everyone.

Park Jimin is the exception.

He is one of your coworkers, and your biggest headache. Nobody really understands the rivalry between the two, but you couldn't be in the same room for more than five minutes without being at each other's throats. You wouldn't consider yourself a hateful person, but no one has been able to make you feel the way he does.

You hate Park Jimin.

Everyone in the office loves him, and you can't understand why. Quite frankly, you are not even sure why he hates you so much. His constant bickering, his unnecessary comments, and the continuous challenging and questioning of your job makes your blood boil. He clearly thinks he is better than everyone else, and you are the only one brave enough to challenge that. You hate how entitled he is. His air of superiority and perfection makes him unbearable for you. You really can't help talk back when you hear his stupid sultry voice, or roll your eyes when you look up from your desk and see him sitting right infront of you, his desk parallel to yours. Making him your main view everytime you look away from your screen, always staring back with those piercing eyes that make your stomach sick and a stupid grin plastered on his face.

"Oh fuck" Hoseok's voice interrupts your thoughs.

You look into the direction your best friend is looking, and immediately regret it because at the bar, where the bartender was preparing your next round of drinks, stands the tall, blonde man you hate so much, the sole reason why you are drunk on a Wednesday night.

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