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Ring Ring


Ring Ring

"Te~ your phone is ringing"

"Hmm just ignore it and go back to sleep baby"

Ring Ring

"What if it's urgent?"


Ring Ring


Riiing Riiing


"Y-YES!" Tay sat up and grabbed the phone from the nightstand not looking at the caller ID.

"What the heck do you want whoever you are?! Calling this early, do you have no sham-"

"Ahem" The person from the other line coughed as a warning.

"This-This cough...it's familiar..." Tay pulled the phone away from his ear and mentally cursed himself after reading the name.

"D-Dad?" When New heard Tay say dad he sat up and started laughing silently at Tay's luck.

"Yes. Your Shamless Dad"

"I-I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean you" Tay looked at New with "help me" look but New ignored and continued laughing.

"I don't care. Get your stupid ass right here right now!"

"But I-I just woke u-"

"One hour. Be here in one hour or else I'll..."

"Yes Sir! I'll be there in half an hour!"

Beep Beep

Tay let out a long sigh of relief after the call ended.

He looked at New that was chuckling "Your Dad sure hates me"

New crawled and sat on Tay's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck "Ofcourse not idiot, or else he wouldn't have agreed to me marrying you right?"

"Hmmm maybe. Anyway, what do you think you were doing by laughing at your husband instead of helping him with your Dad hmm?" Tay started wiggling his fingers up and down New's sides receiving loud giggles from his boy.

"T-Te~pfff stahphhahaha"

Tay didn't stop and laid New down on the bed and started tickling him with smooches on his neck.

After he had enough of teasing his baby boy, Tay pulled up and looked at New and Oh God he got hard.

New looked so.....Delicious. Well he always look delicious to Tay but right now he looked extra cute with his messy hair and flushed face and teary eyes. Who's in their full mind won't get hard at this amazing sight of New.

Tay leaned down and sucked hungrily on New's plump lips leaving him breathless. He sucked hard that his lips swell.

Tay started unbuttoning New's shirt craving to taste more of his boy's sweetness but New stopped him "Honey, I so want to have morning sex, but if you don't hurry I'll end up preparing for your funeral instead" New pointed at the wall clock and it was 6:30 that means Tay lost half an hour being a simp over his husbands cuteness and now he should get ready and leave before this 30 min ends or else New will end up becoming a widow.

"Shiaaa" Tay rushed to the bathroom not before giving his love a last kiss and went to shower, while New went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

10 minutes later Tay was ready and went to New in the kitchen and back hugged him giving his neck soft kisses "I'll go now babe"

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