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I opened my eyes for the first time.

I saw 4 other kits next to me.

'Who are they?' I thought.

"Her eyes are open!" one of them said "Only Patchkit and Leopardkit are left!"

"Hi Spottedkit!" the other said "I am Redkit and this mouse-brain over there is Willowkit."

"Heeeeey! I'm not the mouse-brain! YOU'RE the mouse-brain!" Willowkit meowed to Redkit.

"Am not!" Redkit said. Redkit then tackled Willowkit.

"Swiftbreeze! Swiftbreeze! Redkit is being mean!" Willowkit whined.

"Am not! Willowkit is the one being mean!" Redkit retorted.

"REDKIT/WILLOWKIT STARTED IT!!!" Both of them meowed at the same time.

"Calm down, calm down." The ginger and white she-cat said "It doesn't matter which one of you started it. BOTH of you shouldn't be fighting, it isn't kind to treat your sister and brother like that. Both of you apologize." 'I'm guessing that's Swiftbreeze.' I thought.

"I am sorry Redkit." Willowkit meowed.

"Yeah, well I guess I'm sorry...." Redkit mumbled

"Hey!" Willowkit hissed.

"Fine! I'm sorry!!!" Redkit meowed.

"Hmmph" was how Willowkit responded.

I heard a yawn and turned around and padded over to a just awakening kit.

He had a white pelt and black patches of fur. 'I guess he's Patchkit and the other ones Leopardkit.'

He yawned again and accidentally kicked Leopardkit in the chest while stumbling up.

"Hey!" Leopardkit hissed "Don't kick!"

"He didn't mean to!" I meowed.

"Yeah, sorry." Patchkit meowed.

"Hi Patchkit! My name is Spottedkit! Over there is Willowkit and Redkit and Leopardkit is lying down there."

"Oh, hi Spottedkit! In my opinion though, they should've have named Leopardkit Stupidkit!"

"I HEARD THAT!!!" Stupi-Leopardkit meowed.

"Okay, let's play, I will be Redstar!" Redkit meowed.

"I don't wanna play, and you can't make me!" Leopardkit meowed.

"How come YOU'RE the leader! How come III can't be Leader!" Willowkit meowed.

" I call deputy!" I meowed.

" I personally don't care!" Patchkit meowed.

"I wanted to be deputy!" Willowkit whined " Now I HAVE to be medicinecat! I don't want to remember all those herbs!!!"

"Too bad!" Redkit meowed "I'll be leader, Spottedkit will be the deputy, Willowkit will be the medicinecat, Patchpelt you'll be a warrior, *whispers* and Leopardkit will be the grumpy elder!"

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