Chapter 1

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Her phone pinged. It was a text message from Jake, the guy she liked since first grade.She smiled and grabbed her jacket hanging on the door. The moment she opened the door, Josh was outside. "Hey Hal, why is that grin on your face?" Josh smirked."I might have been texting someone, not a big deal. Is it tomorrow we're leaving?" Hallie continued smiling."Yup, Skye is excited to meet you, and the other people too""Oh okay. But are we still going to the cafe? "Yeah, come on lazy" He laughed running down the stairs while Hallie locked her apartment door.

Hallie was in the kitchen, making breakfast. She was leaving today and her suitcase was packed and ready to go. She was making an omelette and was about to put it on the stove when she heard a knock on the front door. She looked at the clock. It said it was only a little past twelve. Josh was supposed to come pick her up at two. She opened the front door and saw Jake standing outside.

He didn't say anything as he just stood there and stared at her. And as she stared back, she felt her heart beating against the walls of her chest. Then she just walked into the kitchen with him and stood by the stove. Hallie looked at him and smiled. "Hey, you want some breakfast? I made omelettes. So you can get your appetite back. There are eggs in the fridge. I would like you to eat something. I don't want you to just sit here and stare at me. I'm going to go get us some food. Jake just smiled. He looked at her and started to walk out. As he walked out, she heard him say, "I'll be right back. I'll be back in a minute. Okay? I want you there when I come back. Okay. I will see you in a moment. Hallie started to smile. He never made her feel more protected. It felt like she was the only one in the world. She walked out of the kitchen and closed the door.

The door opened and Jake was standing there. Hallies face lit up. "Hey that was not long you were gone. Where did you go?" Jake sighed and said, "I went to get some food for us. I was going to make you breakfast. Your omelette does not smell good" Hallies face turned pale when she realized she left the stove on. She ran into the kitchen. "Oh fuck fuck fuck" The omelette were burned. She grabbed the pot and threw it in the sink. She grabbed a towel and started scrubbing the pot. She was so mad. She threw the pot in the dishwasher. Jake walked into the kitchen and saw her. He smiled and said "You know what? I think you shouldn't cook breakfast anymore" Hallies anger turned into embarrassment. She threw her face into her hands and laughed while Jake pulled her into a giant hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2021 ⏰

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