{~-.Flowers from George.-~}

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Another day, as usual. Dull, as usual. But, it could be worse. So I shouldn't complain much. Oh right, my name is George, So, I live in the woods, so does most of the population around here. You might be thinking, what's wrong with living in the forest? Arent forests lush with nature and greenery? And my answer is 'Hah'. the forest I live in has leaves covering the grass, you can't see the grass at all. All of the 'green' is brown. And everyone is fine with that. Well, I'm not.

Ever since my parents died, I've always been reaching for my dream, to walk outside, and see leafy trees, long, green grass, blooming flowers, and wildlife. So you might say, 'Just go get some plants and plant them', well, you see, there are no plants, For hundreds of miles. Only dead grass and tall trees. Okay okay, I'm done complaining.


He'd throw on his raggy clothes, as he did not have much money. His blue shirt and jeans were cluttered with holes. He opened the door to his old wooden home, as he started doing his daily morning chores. Sweeping the deck, raking leaves off his yard, watering the tree in his backyard, ect. George, minding his own business, a small grey cat, or a kitten approached him.

"Hello, what are you doing here?" George asked, as he knelt down and petted the small cat.

As the fog trailed behind the grey cat, a mysteriously tall character emerged from the fogged woods. The strange 8 foot person appeared to have a long green cloak, white, angelic wings, and appeared to be glowing. He walked slowly towards George, leaving glowing particles in his trail. And then, he stopped walking and stood in front of George.

In a low, echoey voice, the shadowed out face said,

"If you do what I ask you to do, I will grant you one wish

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"If you do what I ask you to do, I will grant you one wish. " George stood in shock at his words.


"What do you want me to do?" George replied.

"Take care of that grey cat for a week, that one you saw earlier." He'd answer.

George, in confusion, would accept almost anything for his wish to come true. So he accepted.

"Yes, But what is your name? And... What are you? And why me?-"

"Shh, child. My name is Dream. I'm a God. and I want to help you. But in return, you do the task for me.

Even though George is not a child, (He's 24), he wanted to know what he meant by 'god'.

"Good luck." He mumbled, then walked back into the fog.

[ Next Morning ]

The next morning, George stepped out onto the porch again, looking for the supposed grey cat that was supposed to be there.


"Mreow!" The cat appeared right next to George's leg. He was so confused how the cat just appeared, but he'd rather not question it.

"Hey," George said. "I was told to take care of you, wanna come inside?" George smiled, but then realized he's talking to a cat. As he opened the door, he noticed on the side of the doorway, a bag of cat food. I guess the person he was talking to earlier knew he couldn't afford to buy cat food daily. As the grey cat politely walked in, George pulled down a small bow and poured the bagged cat food in, and set it down.

"I wonder what its name is.." George thought as he knelt down in front of the cat and looked at the tag attached to his collar.

'Leo' was engraved on the tag.

"Leo, eh?"

"Mreoww" Leo agreed.

"Well, 'Leo', looks like you're going to be staying here for a while."


After about a week, George and Leo have bonded quite a lot. He almost forgot about his wish he was going to get.

As soon as George remembered that it's been a week, George walked outside his house, to see that person. As George approached the outdoors, the tall shadowy figure emerged from the grey trees.

George gazed at Dream as he raised his arms. Within seconds, leaves were surrounding him as the wind intensified around him. Bright, vibrant colors that he's never seen before. He gazed at his feet, Flowers. And mushrooms. He didn't know how or what was happening, but once the wind stopped and the person lowered their covered arms, he noticed his clothes were clean, bright colors. Flowers, fungi, and bright green grass surrounded him as it visibly grew farther and longer. He also had an amanita muscaria mushroom hat and mossy cape with Amanita muscaria mushrooms sprouting from his cape and the ground. As he stood up from the colorful ground, his cape dragged behind him. He gazed back up at the tall figure, he nodded, and walked slowly into the trees. 


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As George felt a spurt of accomplishment, he looked back behind him, seeing his grey cat, rolling in the flowers. As he walked closer to his house, the greyish-brown color on his house turned to a more vibrant brown color, and the flowers spread farther and farther. Eventually, the whole neighborhood became vibrant, and lush. Neighborhood, turns into state, state to country. Everywhere was revived of its vegetation, and everyone lived happily ever after. .


Flowers From George (Dream Smp AU)Where stories live. Discover now