The spie

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As izuku was running on roofs to a location spot that he was going to meet with his spie

As izuku landed in a dark alleyway a person wearing a type of dark hoodie come out

"took you long enough"??? Said "Yeah sorry you caught me in the middle of eating my food and I also fell on a alleyway ohh and thanks for bandaging me" izuku said smiling at the guy

"You are always clumsy anyways back to why I called you here"??? Said as izuku putted on a serious face

"What do you got on the league of villans" izuku said "well the league is going to attack U.A. again but this time its bigger they've recruited some new villans plus they won't let anyone except for shigraki see all for one"??? Said

"Huh I see do you know were they are going to attack" izuku asked "No, they only told us that we will be fighting in the woods"??? Said

"Ohh and the last thing is that I figured that the league have a spie on U.A."??? Said

"well thanks and you know that if you get in trouble press your bracelet and also........take care touya" izuku said jumping off the alleyway and running back to his base

(I'm also aging touya down so izuku is 16 and touya is 20)


We can see a young 7 year old izuku practicing with his sword swings on a tree the izuku hears crying

Izuku then runs to were the crying was and see a 11 year old touya crying izuku then runs to him

"Hey what's wrong" izuku said while patting the boy in the back

"Why should I tell you"touya said "well if you tell me maybe we can make a solution to this problem of yours and maybe we can be friends"izuku said smiling

"Well ok my name is Touya todoroki and yours" touya said "well my name is izuku" izuku said

"You don't have a last name" touya said

"well no because my father and mother neglected me for my sister and my sister bullied me but I still have a dream to become someone to save people" izuku said smiling

'He's just like me' touya thought while wiping some tears off

"What are you doing outside here If i may ask" touya said as he got up

"Well I was swinging my wooden sword at a tree to improve wanna come see the tree"izuku said running off while touya followed

Then when they got to the tree touya was surprised to see how many dents that were in the tree

"Wow what's your quirk" touya said with stars in his eyes

"Well you see I'm quirkless" izuku said frowning and expecting to be laughed at but instead he got a wow

"Wow so you're quirkless but you did this I'll tell you would make an awesome hero or vigilante" touya said

"Hey toyua what's a vigilante" izuku said as touya then explained what a vigilante is

"Wow never mind being a hero I'll be a vigilante" izuku said while touya sweatdropped

"Ohh shoot it's getting late I better head home now Hey izuku meet me here tomorrow" toyua said running off

(Next morning)

Touya was walking to the place where izuku and him met because he skipped school and expecting izuku to be there later but touya hears a sword clashing against a tree

"Hey Izuku I thought you were In school" touya said now steeping in where izuku was

" I rather be out here training then spending a day in the hell even if they inform my parents I'm not there if they wouldn't care" izuku said while touya laughed

"Hey what's so funny" izuku pouted "no nothing it's just that you even at your age realised what school is like" touya said

"Hey touya catch" izuku said throwing a bottle of juice at touya

Touya then at on the grass while izuku sat onto of the tree

"Hey touya" izuku said "Hm" touya said "you never told me why you were crying yesterday" izuku said

" I wasn't crying my eyes were just watering" touya said "yeah yeah that's what they all say" izuku said

"Well it's my old man" touya said "what about him" izuku said

"Well you see he neglects me and my other familie members for my little brother,he also hits my mom plus he also believesthat I can't be a hero" touya said

"Whatt your quirk is so powerful form what I saw is that you had blue flame right" izuku said "yeah" touya said

"Hey by the way who's your dad" izuku said

"Izuku if I tell you this you promise me that you won't tell a single shoul and please don't freak out" touya said "sure"izuku said

"Its endeavor" touts said waiting for a noo or your joking but what he got was silent

"I was expecting a noo or your joking"touya said laughing

"Well you aren't the only on"izuku said "what do you mean" touya said confused

"Well my parents are a allmight and storm" izuku said while touya was surprised

"Hahahah well I guess all top three heros are asshole no offense"touya said laughing "well you aren't wrong and non taken"izuku srotten so I aid also laughing

"Hey izuku when you said you want to be a vigilante what do you mean"touya said confused

"Well you see the hero society is rotten but I don't want to be a villan or hero you see some heros are fake and I cant be a hero beating up other heros so I want to beat villans and heros while also saving people" izuku said

"Wow that's deep say what I'll be the same as you how about it we train together to become strong and, then we become the best vigilante duo in history "touya said yelling the last part

As they both laugh and for the next 3 years they train together but when izuku left he still sometimes trained with touya while touya then faked his death and became a vigilante and a great and first freind to izuku

(End of Flashback)

'Take care freind' touya and izuku thought

(Izukus base)

We can see izuku unwrapping his bandage and showing his ripped body with a 8 pack

Izuku then treats his injures properly while smoking

'Should I inform U.A about this...........uhh fine' izuku thought

To be continued

the 1 vigilante:black moon And The Captain Of The Moon Spies *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now