Wild (BoyXBoy)

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Chapter One

Perched up on a tree I gazed down at the little herd of deer below me. My eyes flickered through them picking out which one would exert the least of my energy. Looking down again I caught sight of a doe that was straggling behind, none of the others would stop for her. Moving my feet into place for an even jump, I waited for the deer to walk right under my tree. Pouncing, I hit the doe straight on the back, clamping my jaws down on her neck and snapping it with brute force. She collapsed to the ground. Removing my claws I sauntered to its stomach and started to eat. 

Finishing my dinner I hopped back up into my tree and began to clean and lick the blood off my black paws and jaw. Looking at the sky I noticed the light from the sun was fading below the horizon.

My name is Eric and today was the anniversary of not only my birthday but my parents deaths, and the ninth year I have been calling these forests my home. Another piece of valuable information is that I am a shifter; meaning, any animal that I have a physical connection with is what I can shift into, right now I'm in the form of my black jaguar. Though I can also take shift into a wolf, and an owl. As a human though, my features are dull; black hair and pale green eyes. Im not tall but I also am not short, I stand around 5'5. I am pretty skinny for a boy my age, but most shifters are; we are born to be agile unlike the mange ridden werewolf's. As you can tell my hatred towards their "species" is pretty forward and passionate, even though I have been sharing these woods with them for nine years. The stupid animals still haven't figured out I was here yet! And even if they do sight me they don't do anything thinking Im just a "regular large cat". Idiots.

As I settled down to sleep I heard footsteps getting closer to the tree I have been residing in. I didn't move a muscle as my eyes flashed towards the intruding sound. A new sound of deep laughter got closer to me and I could now count how many we're in the group. Three. Three males. Three very large and muscular males that would most likely be able to kill me three on one.

Once I heard the conversation topic I tuned them out and rolled my eyes. Typical male werewolfs, always taking about females and how they can "score with anyone they want", which I think is a real joke in a half. I on the other hand, could care less about girls since Im gay.   

Laying my head back down I kept my eyes on them as they sauntered by my tree. I sigh out in relief a they went right past me. But right before there backs receded I heard the low rumble of a growl rip out of one of there throats. My ears began to twitch as the realization of what he was growling at came forth. Me.  

He turned to face my tree as his eyes flashed a bright yellow-blue color, the bright eyes were dangerous, and the glare he was holding was not helping the threat level.

His growl got louder as did his footsteps as he walked closer to my tree.

"Who's there?" His voice was deep and smooth. The eyes of his friends were looking straight at me but apparently couldn't see my black body pushed into the large tree branches. I was scared, I knew If it came down to a fight, I was not winning it.

I hopped down from my tree swiftly and landed in front of them in a rigid manner. My ears went back and my shoulders tightened, my body looked threatening when really I was like a kitten compared to them.

The one that was growling before had somehow shifted and I didn't realize it. Let me tell you, this mutt was huge, and I mean like car size huge. Much larger than me. There really wasn't a size difference from my animals to the real ones, but with werewolf's there size was really extraordinary.

Turning back to the large wolf infront of me I hissed to give warning, all I got in return was a low threatening growl. I batted my large paw at him lazily telling him that I didn't want trouble, but apparently to wolves it meant something completely on the other side of the spectrum. He growled louder as he stalked towards me. My ears tried to press farther to my head as I backed up.

"Nate, come on let it go." The male to his left spoke, he was not quite as large as this "Nate" guys but he was still bigger than me. I agreed with him, yeah Nate, come on and let me go please.

I backed up until I felt my butt collide with my tree as I frantically looked around for an escape route.

"It's not a real jaguar." His low voice boomed out of his throat an rang in my ears. The others began to growl along with the first, and this is where I hit the road.

I jumped up into the tree just as one of the mutts launched to bite me. Once I was sturdy on my branch I bolted to another until I was on the other side of the tree. Mid jump I shifted into my owl and begain to take flight. Once I put about a good mile or two in between me and the flee riden beasts I perched myself onto a nice looking branch to call home for now. 

'I cant believe that he smelled me.' I thought to myself. Nine stupid years, and now is when they finally decide to figure it out? Though Im worried about them finding me, another concern of mine was my impending fate.

Werefolk are really, really, not kind to shifters, of any sort. They find us as a "threat", when really we are quite peaceful people. We want no harm, but of course, the werewolves find anything as a threat. I mean, yes, all shifters are abnormally strong (even stronger than most wolves) but, that doesnt mean that we want to slaughter all of them! Like jeez.

With my doom looming over my head, I heard a sharp growling noise from my right. 

"cant they take a brake for once, god.." I mummbled under my breath.

Well, it looks like im down to my last resort. I flew swiftly to the forest floor and dug my talons into the soft earth. Quickly changing into my wolf I shook out my loose fur. Since my wolf was greatly smaller in a comparison, there is a possibility that i could pass as a female wolf. She-wolfs are usually a treasure to greater male wolfs; for the reasons of stablitly, nurturing young pups, and their ability to give life, so, maybe I can slide through this one. I mean, worth a shot. 

Gracfully and slowly, I moved from my spot behind the tree. All three wolves watched me intently. I flattedend my ears slightly and lowered my tail, placing my stomach to the ground and whimpering; the growling stopped. Nate and the other two came closer slowly as if to not starlte me, my whines and whimpers intensified as they got closer. When they were about 5 feet away I bared my neck in a sign of submission hoping they would take it and leave it. Though, Nate had other plans. He begain to sniff around and explore my muzzle, which caught me by suprise, causing my to nip at him accidently. A threating growl, deep and loud, rushed through my body. I pushed my head completly to the ground and began to shake in fear of what was about to unfold. The other two boys had made their way onto either side of me and began to prod at my abdomen with the tips of their wet noses; indecating they wanted me to stand up. Slowly I rose to my full height; which only about hit the bottom of their stomachs. Nate's power rolled off of him like waves on an ocean, and I sensed his Alpha presence. It made me shake, but it also gave me a feeling of ese and comfort. Which aren't really emotions in this kind of situation. 

Once we both locked eyes though, I realized my feeling of comfort wasnt because I was just completly losing it. Mates. We were mates. 


So yeah, new story! ahaha i should probably start working on my other ones.....but i have decided that i am probably not going to continue My Unkown Feelings for a while. Im sooooo sorry for anyone reading that story right now. I have lost all insperation; but if anyone has any suggestions on how i should continue it, I would highly appreciate it.



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