Introduction - I

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A brand new day. A day full of future mysteries to be solved, adventures to be taken upon, and missions to be accomplished. What could possibly go wrong?

I'll give you a hint: everything goes wrong.

You see, I joined a mafia organization to get some quick cash, but everything went downhill when Haven, my boss, hired new associates.

Where do I start on the list; let's start with the people I can actually manage.

First off, we have MD, our co-manager (no one knows her actual name she is very anonymous....). MD is the only one who takes their job seriously and actually gets us cash. She is on top of everything and one step ahead. I don't think anyone could solo her since they wouldn't even take it seriously. But what I do find funny is whenever MD makes a joke, everyone panics, thinking something is wrong with her.

Then we have Haven, our boss. They are the second most serious out of the group. From time to time, they do bring up humorous jokes to lighten up a situation which works 95 % of the time - BUT BESIDES THAT, I'd tp say they are really chill and the best 💪.

Delilah, she is our secretary and definitely the definition of a milf. If she was more of a member than a secretary then I would've bet that people would gladly die at her hands. Is she sane? hell no. Regardless of the praise that I gave her she is still a chaotic bitch who will make a milf joke whenever she has the chance. AND SHE IS NEVER PUNCTUAL-

It goes downhill from here on out -

We have our dumbass, Dolores. IDC IF SHE IS MY SISTER SHE IS A DUMBASS. She can't even spell the word orange, she is just like Karen from Mean Girls. We never send her on missions because of her behavior. We promised to give Dolores $1000 if she managed to complete a mission. That's how little hope we have for her.

There is also our treasurer, Kaysyn. Are they serious? No. Do they make everything a joke? No. So what are they? I don't fucking no. Kaysyn is serious yet not. They will bring up the darkest shit ever and make a joke out of it. We made a quote book based on their jokes and bro its a full glossary now. It's not that bad compared to other's but definitely concerning-

Bean is definitely an interesting one. They are punctual (which is quality that literally nobody in the group has except for MD, Haven, and me) and able to ease out a situation. They are definitely the babysitter of the group but will bring up humor from time to time.

Bee is the best boy. Although he can be confused sometimes, he is able to keep up and help others. Definitely would say he is the kindest of the group with the humor that can make anyone laugh.

"Oh, but lemon! Everyone here seems so nice! How could you ever think so negative of them?"

Oh, I'm not even done, honey. You listen close : )

CC.....oh god CC.... where do I start with him? He is just our fruity member. Don't get me wrong, almost everyone here is fruity, but he is the literal definition of fruity. He would always let go of one our victims just because they were "cute" as he would say. Sometimes I think letting him join us on our missions is a horrible idea. But he is the child of the group who will literally lure our victims so yeah we kinda do need him.

That sums up our group. Small and unmanageable but I love them platonically for that. And who am I, you may ask? I'm the captor of the group. I don't like getting my hands dirty so I stay back and hold my victims captive until they pay off their debt that they owe us. I heard they were bringing in some new people today. Off to work I go.

Let's hope they aren't just girls this time since CC won't let us hold the boys captive (hogging bitch)...

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