love at first sight

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suna weaved through the streets of downtown hyōgo with a listless expression plastered onto his face. his sister had tasked him to pick up a book she's been wanting to read from some small local bookstore.

since volleyball practice was canceled for the afternoon, and it was apparently an 'older brother duty,' he was forced to go.

his eyes lit up slightly when he recognized the store logo his sister had shown him before he left.

'get Lit!!!erature' is a pretty interesting name for a book store, it would probably be much more fitting for a club. it'd be more fun, too. not that suna knew anything about those kind of clubs.

the bells jingled over his head as suna pushed the door open, immediately he notices a girl at the front desk with her head laid on her arms and dozing off.

the bells jingled over his head as suna pushed the door open, immediately he notices a girl at the front desk with her head laid on her arms and dozing off

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he cleared his throat as loud as could but the attempt was futile. the girl was not getting up any time soon, so instead he started his search for his sister's book.

he was in the middle of scanning the shelves when he heard a soft yawn coming from behind him. he turned around to see the girl from the front desk smiling sheepishly at being caught.

"hey, i'm so sorry i didn't catch you come in. i don't usually sleep at work, i swear." she sheepishly started, suna could only quirk up the corner of his mouth before continuing his search.

"is there a particular book you're looking for?" the girl asked, "yes, actually, my sister says you guys have 'better than the movies' here?" he replied with a questioning tone.

the employee's face lit up, a stark difference from her previous sleepy face, and walked towards a shelf on the other side of the store.

"here it is, it's one of my favourites, actually." she grinned, "is this all?" she inquired before motioning to the counter after suna nodded his head 'yes.'

y/n, as suna now knows without her long hair obstructing his view of her name-tag, scanned the book,  bagged it, and received the payment in swift movements.

"here you go; i hope your sister enjoys it as much as i do." she said while donning the prettiest smile to ever grace the earth, at least in suna's opinion.

" she said while donning the prettiest smile to ever grace the earth, at least in suna's opinion

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the middle-blocker rolled his eyes at the twins' antics and shut off his phone

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the middle-blocker rolled his eyes at the twins' antics and shut off his phone.

bookstore girl ⌗ sunaWhere stories live. Discover now