Rank Giving

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The breeze of the wind brushed his wing feathers as he glided around in the sky. Soon he settled and landed on the ground in front of a huge arena where everyone was sitting. People chattered as the younger unmarked children stood in the area. He sprinted to the center, taking his spot standing next to a kid with a pumpkin for a head and vines growing in curls around his arms, waist and legs. This winged child was named Skid. The boy with plants curled through his body was of the name Pump. Skid had found this out by the ranklord announcing the kids' names. Skid was slightly scared for today. Someone was going to die. He glanced at the Pumpkin headed child. He was kind of cute... he looked kinda squishy and adorable. Skid smiled. Suddenly, the ranklord spoke up. " Today the ranks of these children will be given, these will determine life, death, and what they will become In future years. " He turned to face the children. Skid glanced around. He was among the tallest of the kids and most likely the oldest. He was 12 years old. The others seemed to be of ages 10 - 8. Pump looked as though he was 11. Pump had beautiful arctic blue eyes that shone in the light of the sun's rays... Skid found himself getting lost in the boy's eyes, amiring for his distance...

" Skid Payford! " The ranklord called Skid's name. Skid knew the lowest rank he could possibly get was Lova. That was the 4th lowest rank. He had a mental list of ranks. The highest rank was Lora Star. Only the leader's child would get that. The Second highest was Sela. He was likely to get Sela rank. Third highest was Raova. Basically just normal civilians who didn't have authority over Lora Star ranks or Sela rank yet had power. Lova rank was the next middle rank. Same as Raova but it was for those with less useful powers. The second Lowest/Fifth highest was Trimark rank. They are almost useless but not bad enough to kill. The absolute lowest rank was T-for rank. They have no use and will get killed within minutes of being ranked. T-for ranks can be kept alive if a Lora star rank, Sela rank or a Raova wanted to keep them to marry or to adopt as their child. A young Sela could have a T-for to marry in their future, though if ever decided they don't want them anymore the T-for will be killed. Although an Adult is free to choose to adopt a T-for child for any reason, any abandoned T-for will be killed. That's all Skid remembered from class.

Skid approached the ranklord. " A Sela rank. " The ranklord took black skin dye and painted the Sela rank mark on the child's arm. Skid knew this mark was permanent and would be the thing to keep him protected. He walked back to his spot as the other children were called. Three Raova, two Trimarks and one other Sela. It was Pump's turn now. " Pump Cricket! " Pump walked up. He was rather shy, scared too. He pulled up the sleeve of his shirt and the ranklord painted the mark on the child's shoulder. " T-for rank. " Everyone in the arena seemed even more excited than before. Skid's smile fell. No. He didn't want that kid to die. Everyone had a chance to survive other than Pump. The ranklord revealed a knife hidden in his robe. He put it to Pump's throat, Pump squeezed his eyes shut and accepted that he was going to die...

" Wait! " Skid shouted right as the edge of the iron utility touched Pump's skin. Everyone in the area averted their gaze to the winged child. " Don't kill him. I want to keep him. The rules say I'm allowed to. " the ranklord put the knife back into its spot in the robe. " very well then. Pump Cricket, you're free to go. " a line was drawn through the mark on his arm. This was what showed he was legally allowed to live among the other ranks. Pump walked back to his spot, quickly. He stood close to the child who chose to keep him alive. " Thank you... " Pump mumbled, Grabbing hold of Skid's hand and squeezing it tightly. Skid's face was dusted a very light pink color with blush and he smiled at Pump brightly. " You're welcome. "

" And that is the conclusion of ranking. You may all leave. " The ranklord had dismissed everyone and the crowds disbursed, leaving the children to walk home, as Skid began to leave with Pump the ranklord stopped them. " You two. Stay. " Skid and Pump looked back at the ranklord, Skid was worried... " You two must understand the rules. If you get caught for lying, you will both be punished greatly." Both boys nodded, the ranklord handed a small soft cover book to Skid. " These are the rules. Now, you two go have fun. " Skid waved bye to the ranklord and walked with Pump outside of the arena. " Oh yeah- my name is Skid by the way- " Skid smiled at Pump brightly. " ... I'm Pump. " Pump shyly smiled at Skid.

"... Have you ever flown before? " Skid asked, spreading his snow white colored wings that were decorated pink at the bottoms. " What? No. Why? " Pump tilted his head as he watched Skid's wing's movements. Skid handed Pump the rule book and picked him up, arms around Pump's waist. " Might wanna hold on then. " Skid flew up, carrying Pump. Pump was holding on for dear life all the while trying not to drop the book. Skid was Taking Pump to his home to meet his mom and to explain why he chose to keep Pump... Pump dared to look at the ground... he and Skid were so high up in the sky... it was kinda beautiful... he was still terrified though. I mean- Imagine if you were in the sky and holding onto the child who you apparently are going To marry. That's scary. Especially since Skid was a child who couldn't carry a lot of weight.

" Isn't it so pretty up here? " Skid asked Pump as he kept his balance in the sky. "... Yeah.. " Pump sighed and held onto Skid tighter, pressing his face against his chest. " Why did you stop them from killing me? " " Dunno. Just felt like I had to. " " Oh... ok. " Pump closed his eyes as he waited for them to land. " We'll be there soon. " " Ok..." "... I hope my mom doesn't make me leave you. " Skid sighed, looking for a place to land. " Why? " " I don't wanna see you get hurt. " " Oh. Ok. " Skid landed on the ground and set Pump down carefully. " We're home. " Skid smiled again and grabbed Pump's hand, leading him inside the house. " What will your mom think? " Pump asked, concerned expression on his face.

" What will I think of what? " An older woman spoke, she had long lavender hair with a few hidden grey strands. She had moth wings, as well as a moth's antennae. This was Skid's mom. She had the Raova rank mark on her cheek. " Hi momma! " Skid smiled at his mother. " Hello miss... " Pump spoke quietly and waved.

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