Aftertaste #1

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POV Sam:

When I looked at my watch I jumped out of bed. I would be late on the first day of school if i don't start now. The holidays went by in just a second and here we are again. My hand grabbed the black hoodie next to me and in just a few minutes I was done and ready to go. I sprinted outside and right into my car. Of course it wouldn't start. I tried again and when I was ready to give up.. the motor finally started. The car ride was quite okay i guess. When I arrived at school my bestfriend Liz was already waiting for me.

"What's up idiot?", she looked at me and laughed

"I am ready to go home again", I rolled my eyes back

She grabbed my arm and dragged me with her. I didn't miss the smell of these old hallways. Everyone around was loud and screamed. Definitely hate it here. It's the first day of school - of course we won't do a single thing. Suddenly everyone around was quiet. Liz poked my arm so I would lift my head. A woman walked by. I didn't recognize her but she was definitely beautiful. She had long black hair and brown eyes. It felt like Slow-Motion when she walked by. Everyone was whispering and then her eyes met mine. She smiled at me and disappeared in the classroom next to us.

"Helloooo you", I got ripped out of my daydream and looked at Mia's eyes

Mia is my Ex.. she was by far the hottest girl i've dated in the past. We broke up a few months ago because we argued all the time. But we remain friends.. with some benefits I would say. *smiley face*
I hugged her and we all walked to class together. The woman that walked past us was standing by the blackboard greeting all the students. Liz, Mia and me got down at our place and then the bell went off.

"Hello guys, my name is Miss Cyrus. I will be your new History Teacher", she said and wrote her name on the blackboard

The guys couldn't stop staring at her. She was wearing black heels, black jeans and a white shirt. You couldn't tell she was a teacher. We had to introduce ourselves too and when the last one finished the lesson was already done. Next off, PE. Liz and Mia already went to the changing room while I got my stuff from my locker.

"Sorry to interrupt you but do you mind taking me with you to the field?", I turned around and Miss Cyrus was standing right in front of me

I cleared my throat "of course not"

She nodded and I brought her outside after I changed into my PE clothes. I was wearing black shorts and a red T-Shirt. Mister Meyer had us running around the court for 15 minutes and then splitted us into two teams. We're about to play soccer. I was the captain in the girls school team so of course I enjoyed playing it in PE. Liz passed me the ball in front of the opponents goal. My feet carried me forward and I saw the ball hitting the net. Everyone was cheering at me now. I lifted up my shirt to dry my face.

"You're looking hot!", Mia screamed and laughed

I looked around and saw Miss Cyrus standing next to the field. Her eyes crossed mine and she looked away. This woman had this secret touch.. how should i call it? Or was she just hot? I didn't know at this moment

a/n: hey guys! This was the first chapter of my new story. It's kinda boring but the next part gonna be more interesting. Thanks for reading it. I hope you enjoy it:) see you on the next one. If you liked it, please leave a vote and a comment!
Thank you!

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