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Audio was sitting at a bus stop with his ear buds in, the city was so loud, especially at night, what could everyone be in such a rush about??, He got up when he saw his bus, he couldn't wait to get home.. not. His mother is always nagging him and constantly about how horrible of a kid he was, he wasn't actually a bad kid. He always tried his best in school, sooner or later he'd give up, it's not like he could keep the act going. Before Audio new it he was already half way home, he wiped his glasses, it was sprinkling outside when he had got on the bus, it was raining a bit harder at the moment, he didn't mind it at the moment though, really. He felt calm knowing that it was raining, he felt like the rain was a way to cleanse the earth, he was an atheist but the earth really needs it.

Audio arrived home, his mothers blue car was parked in their drive way making Audio sigh and slowly make his way towards his home from the bus stop. He hoped his mom was asleep, he hated fighting with her, especially because he still believes there is good in her, sadly. Audio unlocked the home door with the key attached to his lanyard. He got in his house and took his shoes off at the door, and crept to his room, it was quiet, and late. Audio assumed that she was asleep, hoping, actually. He soon reached his room, locking it once he got in. Audio changed into his traditional pajama's: Boxers, shorts, and socks with nothing else, well, basically what the stereotypical boy wears to sleep.

Audio opened his laptop to browse whatever was trending on the internet. He found a clip called "MUTANT CAUGHT FIGHTING ALIEN ON CAMERA?!?!" ''Jeez, what a obnoxious name..'' Audio rolled his eyes and watched the clip in full HD, he got random chills, it was kind of creepy that there was a 5-6ft monster fighting some brainy looking thing. Audio scooted down into his blanket more due to the odd feeling in his gut, he was scared. He tucked his head under the cover, falling asleep quickly due to the heat of his breath. Audio got woke up by his mother slamming the door to go to work early in the morning. Audio groaned and got ready for college, he wore a button up with a blue and brown sweater vest with tan baggy jeans and sneakers. He got his backpack, phone and headphones. "God I really don't feel like going to college.. Maybe I can skip?.." He mumbled to himself. Audio went into his kitchen and put his bag down by the front door and made a microwaveable 'breakfast sandwich'. 

After three minutes passed he took the sandwich out, it was hot to the point that he dropped it on the damn floor completely, Audio groaned loudly in annoyance, he'd just go to the coffee shop and skip college, maybe wander around the city for a while. Audio started to clean up the mess he made, he wasn't in middle school anymore, he needs to start learning how to be responsible. Once he got done he turned every light off and left, he took the lanyard hanging out of his pocket and locked the door for obvious reasons. He walked to the coffee shop then stopped on the wet concrete to think about it. 'How about I go to that little noodle shop?? Isn't it called 24/7?' Audio nodded and connected his headphones to his phone and started listening to calming jazz. He soon got to the shop and went to the vending machine with the little wooden things to order with, He looked for an option for pho but the closest one was ramen, 'Okay I'll choose that!' Audio hummed and put in the code for it. The wooden card got spat out and Audio picked it up from the machine and wandered into the shop, there was a lot of happy chatting in there so he assumed the food must be good.

Audio hummed and took off his headphones, pausing the music on his phone and then turning it off. He looked up and the shop went silent. "....What the hell..?" Audio mumbled out. There were at least four humanoid turtle looking things and an emo kid in some ski outfit and well, an average looking girl. One of the "things" got up and put Audio in a headlock. "Wh-?!." The thing that put him in a headlock started talking, "Hey! Leo, what do we do with this kid??" Audio gaged a bit because well he was being choked and spat out "I'm 18.." The blue one so called Leo had spoken up "Let him go your choking him, and block the door, Raph." Raph let go of  Audio making him cough and get up from the floor, "Donnie you explain this to him, You're a lot nice then me and Raph." The one in purple  called Donnie nodded and walked towards Audio "Okay sooo, basically we are mutant turtles, but we won't hurt you, so please don't worry!! We have some human friends right over there, you see?" Donnie crouched down a bit and pointed behind him to the red head and the emo kid. Audio nodded a bit, the was very unusual but he wasn't as phased as he seemed, he had gotten beat by his father his entire life, how could he be scared of this? "Uhm so, what are you going to do with me?" The one who seemed to not pay attention and just eating these weird pizza things.

The one eating spoke up, "Well, what are you good atr? mm!" I thought for a moment and listed a few things. "Technology like making robots, computers, programming. Uhhh, I'm good at making blue prints and uh.. Writing poetry.." He mumbled the last bit. All of them seemed to glance at Donnie, who seemed to be shining with joy, he got up and started begging Leo "Pleaseeee Leo!!!, I'll make sure he won't tell anyone, I need his knowledge!!" Audio jumped at 'I'll make sure he won't tell anyone' and 'I need his knowledge' He had a face of annoyance, all of the noise was super annoying to Audio again and he put on his headphones to block out the sound.

(End of page one!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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