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-Sanfransokyo: Boom studios

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-Sanfransokyo: Boom studios

*+beep!+* Moby beeped, accidentally dropping some 'acid' on Tim's white shirt. Though in reality, it was just green soda.

"Moby!" Tim yelled, pulling his shirt away from his chest, and he paused.

"And cut!" the director yelled, signifying the end of the segment of the video. "That's good, we'll edit the acid in later on, but you guys can head out for the day."

Before, Tim and Moby were filming a video for their very famous website, Brainpop. Yep, the very website that science teachers go crazy for. Of course with the very advanced world they live in, their videos evolved too. Now made for the more advanced students.

They had just finished a video on the newer properties of acid, when Tim pulled off his shirt, and looked down at his now stained  white shirt.

"Damn, I'm running out of white shirts." he mumbled in annoyance. He then looked up at Moby, whom was just staring down at Tim. "The fuck are you staring for?" Tim spat.

Moby didn't answer, he was entranced by his boyfriend's 69 pack that hid under that white shirt of his. His pack glistened underneath the lights. Moby's seen it tons of times, but he always got turned on just by the sight of it.

"Huh? Uh, nothing..." Moby said nervously, a smile appearing on his face. "C'mon Tim, let's get out of here and...ya know..." he said trailing off, grabbing Tim's hand and trying to pull him away to somewhere private.

Tim rolled his eyes and pulled his hands away. "Later. I've got somewhere to be." he stated, turning away to head to his dressing room.

Moby frowned and sped walked over to Tim. He hugged Tim from behind and gently pulled. "Pleaseeeee? We haven't done it in awhile, and I've been craving your touch - "

Tim pushed Moby away and slammed his dressing room door shut in anger as he entered. Leaving a confused Moby alone in the hallway.

"Learn to fucking listen robot." Tim yelled from his room. "I'll fuck you when I want to, so stop begging. You sound pathetic."

" I - sorry Tim... I'll see you later..." Moby muttered under his breath. "I love you?" Moby said, a hopeful smile appearing on his face, but it quickly faded as Tim didn't say it back.

'Tim's been really distant lately...I hope I didn't anger him somehow? I'll ask him about it later...' Moby thought to himself, walking down the hall and into his dressing room. Fiddling with his fingers nervously all the way there.

Once he made it inside, he shut his door, and stared at himself in the mirror on the white vanity at the back of the room.

Placing his hand on his neck, he sighed. "I really hope Tim's okay." he Mumbled. He then looked at the top left corner of the mirror, and realized there was a paper taped to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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