Is That Fate Or Is A Coincidences? - Chapter 1

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The spontaneous reaction and the clap that followed it made some of the people in the theater laugh.

Irene rolled her eyes and scoffed at the childishness of whoever it was.

Irene adjusted her 3D glasses and tried to enjoy the rest of the action-packed movie.

Another cool fighting scene emerged on the wide screen and she had to admit that it was breathtaking. She found her mouth hanging open and quickly closed it while hearing exclamations of awe and approval from other people in the dark studio.


That same voice and that same clap.

Some people laughed again. She, on the other hand, still thought it was too childish and inappropriate.

She muttered something under her breath and felt a gentle nudge from Seulgi the person sitting beside her.

"Relax, Hyun. Enjoy the movie."

Irene heard Seulgi whisper and exhaled - trying to take her friend's advice to heart.


"That was fun!"

She heard the voice again as she walked out of the theater. She fought the urge to turn around to look at the noisy culprit - increasing her pace towards the exit instead.

"Hey, I need to go to the toilet," Seulgi suddenly said.

"Oh okay."
Irene stopped and made a right turn - following Seulgi to the ladies room.

"I know right?! Imagine a blue hulk!" Hands clapped and giggles could be heard above the noisy buzz of the crowded cinema.

Irene flinched when she not only heard that recurring annoying loud voice but now saw the owner as well.

It was Wendy with short blonde hair who was laughing with her group of friends while standing in line just a few people in front of Irene.

Irene rolled her eyes again and looked away.


The loud voice suddenly called Seulgi's name.

Irene grunted a little - realizing that should that person know Seulgi, the possibility of her coming over and talking to her would be...

"Ohmygod! How are you?!"

It was a very loud squeal that made her want to throw something at the person.

She clenched her jaws. Now I can't even finished my thoughts. She huffed.

"I knew it was you!" Seulgi was now laughing as well. She hugged the loud girl. "I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm great! Did you just see the Avengers too?"

"Yup. Who are you with?" Seulgi craned her neck to look at the other girls. She then waved and some of them waved back. "Still hanging around Joy and Yeri, I see."

"Well, they're my oldest friends so of course!"

Irene couldn't contain her curiosity anymore and turned her head to get a better look at the person she had now listed under 'super loud and annoying'. Irene was surprised when she saw her smiling at her. Irene raised her eyebrows but didn't smile back.

Seulgi noticed it. "This is JooHyun, an old friend of mine. Hyun, this is SeungWan, an old classmate from high school."

The girl extended her hand - the smile still on her face. "It's Wendy actually but my friends call me Wendy or Wan for short."

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