The Mystery of Meow

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Chapter 1: Introduction

Meow Playground is a free Chrome extension created by someone who goes by the name "Grumpy_Mayor", not much personal info is known about Grumpy, so he can seem quite mysterious.

As the creator of Meow Playground, he has the most authority and can make people into admins, supervisors, and helpers.

Grumpy is often busy working on new updates, along with simply not being online because he has a life, so it is hard to start a conversation with him. But sometimes, if you're lucky, you may get to talk with him, even if its just a "Hello." and "How are you?".

Grumpy is seen as a good and funny person, and I agree, he fixes glitches if there are any, and bans players who are breaking the rules, although perhaps there is a sinister truth lurking within the Playground...

Chapter 2: Grumpy's Greed

Grumpy Mayor seems nice enough right? Making all those new features. Is there hidden reason behind this?

Simba_Bang scammed a lot. Grumpy_Mayor made trading to stop scammers, but most scammers also disappeared around that time like the widely known "mrlion". Now ask yourself why Simba_ Bang hasn't been banned. We know that scammers got banned because there were reports of a new scammer named "mrtiger", seems a little like mrlion, both cats start with "mr", and scam the same way. Mrtigers level was really low like someone who just made an account, most would conclude that mrtiger is mrlion's new account that he made after he got banned. Simba_Bang always has VIP, to get VIP you must pay, if Grumpy_Mayor banned Simba_Bang he would be getting less money, so Simba_bang was spared so Grumpy_Mayor could continue enjoying the money. This is proven by Jaystar, (yes, the one writing most of these conspiracies), she bought VIP almost every month, but then broke a rule, yet she just said one inappropriate word and was banned forever. Grumpy_Mayor might have decided that Jaystar was unreliable, so Grumpy_Mayor didn't need him, therefore Jaystar was gone in a second.

Lifestorm was also banned for the same thing as Jaystar, but there was a difference... he never bought VIP, so he would have been no problem to get rid of. Lifestorm made a new account, and changed it's default name to "Lifestorm", his old name. Grumpy_Mayor may have found it suspicious. We know he has our Gmail's because we need an account to play Meow Playground. He could be a hacker. Lifestorm was one day told never to chat with his friends and the other websites were blocked by N/A.

Nobody knows why, and nobody knows who N/A is. Perhaps it could be Grumpy_Mayor himself? Though that, I do not have to answer to.

Chapter 3: An Odd Coincidence

Grumpy Mayor makes all guest names "guest_1232" or some random number on default. Residential school teachers stole indigenous children and took them to the schools at the school their names were changed into NUMBERS and they were beaten and other horrible cruel stuff. The last residential school closed in 1993 (I think), so its likely enough that Grumpy_Mayor was alive during that time and worked as a teacher or supported their belief to get rid of the 'Indian culture'.

Let that sink in... it may be unlikely, but it's a conspiracy theory >:)

Chapter 4: Deliberate Suffering

Yes, the title of this chapter sounds cruel, and well.. it can be cruel for serious gamers. Let me explain:

If you manage to complete 120 games in one day, you will be disallowed to play any more, and it says "Can't join a game. You've already played 120 times today. Take a break :) You can play again tomorrow."

But why? If someone wants to take a break, they can just stop playing games, many people would want to play many more games so their clowder can be higher on the list, or so they can simply have a lower gaming ranking. Why would you stop them? It can be mentally painful when you just can't help out.

"There are not many worse things in Meow than not being able to help out your friends.. to stand aside as you are powerless.. as the enemy clowder possibly beats you.. that is a pain you cannot heal." -Jaystar

It seems once again, Grumpy wants us to suffer.

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